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Fields of interest
Respirometry reveals major lineage-based differences in the energetics of osmoregulation in aquatic invertebrates, Cochran, Jamie K., Banks Catelyn, and Buchwalter David B. , Journal of Experimental Biology, Volume 226, (2023)
Oaks to arteries: The Physiology Core Concept of flow down gradients supports transfer of student reasoning, Doherty, J.H. , Advances in Physiology Education , Volume, (2023)
Physiological and life history responses in a mayfly (Callibaetis floridanus) inhabiting ponds with saltwater intrusion, Cochran, Jamie K., Funk David H., and Buchwalter David B. , Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 11, p.1135924, (2023)
A cornucopia of diversity - Ranunculales as a model lineage, Becker, Annette, Bachelier Julien B., Carrive Laetitia, Silva Natalia Conde e, Damerval Catherine, Del Rio Cédric, Deveaux Yves, Di Stilio Verónica S., Gong Yan, Jabbour Florian, et al. , Journal of Experimental Botany, p.erad492, (2023)
Occurrence of Styxosaurus (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauria) in the Cenomanian: implications for relationships of elasmosaurids of the Western Interior Seaway, Smith, Elliott Armour , Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 08/2023, Volume 21, Issue 1, p.1-22, (2023)
Using beached bird data to assess seabird oiling susceptibility, Waugh, Jazzmine K. , Marine Pollution Bulletin, 03/2022, Volume 176, (2022)
The acclimatory response of the mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer to dilute conditions is linked to the plasticity of sodium transport, Cochran, Jamie K., and Buchwalter David B. , Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Volume 289, p.20220529, (2022)
Osteoblasts pattern endothelium and somatosensory axons during zebrafish caudal fin organogenesis, Bump, Rosalind G., Goo Camille E. A., Horton Emma C., and Rasmussen Jeffrey P. , Development, Feb, Volume 149, (2022)
Long duration advertisement calls of nesting male plainfin midshipman fish are honest indicators of size and condition, Balebail, S., and Sisneros Joseph A. , Journal of Experimental Biology, (2022)
Mechanistic insights into actin force generation during vesicle formation from cryo-electron tomography, Serwas, Daniel, Akamatsu Matthew, Moayed Amir, Vegesna Karthik, Vasan Ritvik, Hill Jennifer M., Schöneberg Johannes, Davies Karen M., Rangamani Padmini, and Drubin David G. , Developmental Cell, (2022)
Designing a Seasonal Acclimation Study Presents Challenges and Opportunities, Huey, Raymond B., and Buckley Lauren B. , Integrative Organismal Biology, Volume 4, (2022)
Weak differences in sensitivity to major ions by different larval stages of the mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer, Orr, Sarah E., Cochran Jamie K., Wallace Ian G., Gray Rachel W., Overmyer Gretta E., and Buchwalter David B. , Freshwater Science, Volume 41, p.215–225, (2022)
Signatures of geography, climate and foliage on given names of baby girls, Huey, Raymond B., and Miles Donald B. , Evolutionary Human Sciences, Volume 4, p.e56, (2022)
Heterochrony and repurposing in the evolution of gymnosperm seed dispersal units, San Martin, J. A., Pozner R. E., and Di Stilio V. S. , EvoDevo, 02/2022, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.7 pages, (2022)
Diversity of cellular physiology and morphology of Purkinje cells in the adult zebrafish cerebellum, Magnus, Gerhard, Xing Junking, Zhang Yueping, and Han Victor , J Comp Neurol, 12/2022, Volume 531, Issue 3, p.25, (2022)
Calling bullshit: the art of skepticism in a data-driven world, Bergstrom, Carl T., and West Jevin D. , (2021)
Mammal collections in Brazil: overview and database, Chiquito, Elisandra, Caccavo Aldo, Santos Carolina, Semedo Thiago, Costa-Pinto Anna, Astúa Diego, Bezerra Alexandra, Silva Claudia, Guerra Edú, Gonçalves Pablo, et al. , Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy, Volume 90, (2021)
Resource allocation to a structural biomaterial: induced production of byssal threads decreases growth of a marine mussel, Mytilus trossulus, Roberts, Emily A., Newcomb LauraA, McCartha Michelle M., Harrington Katie J., LaFramboise Sam A., Carrington Emily, and Sebens Kenneth P. , Functional Ecology, Volume (in press), (2021)
Gene Duplication and Differential Expression of Flower Symmetry Genes in Rhododendron (Ericaceae), Ramage, Elizabeth, Soza Valerie L., Yi Jing, Deal Haley, Chudgar Vaidehi, Hall Benjamin D., and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Plants, Volume 10, p.1994, (2021)
Stewardship of global collective behavior, Bak-Coleman, Joseph B., Alfano Mark, Barfuss Wolfram, Bergstrom Carl T., Centeno Miguel A., Couzin Iain D., Donges Jonathan F., Galesic Mirta, Gersick Andrew S., Jacquet Jennifer, et al. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 118, (2021)
