Content OMX: GE SIM • SP5: Leica confocal, inverted • A1R: Nikon confocal • DSU: Olympus spinning disk and widefield • YX1: Yokogawa spinning disk and widefield • Nikon Eclipse • Wild M8 • Zeiss Axio Zoom • TEM: Philips CM100 • Prep Lab
OMX: GE DeltaVision OMX SR super-resolution microscope, LSB B204
(OMX docs—only available to registered users)
- high speed 2D- and 3D-SIM, TIRF, SIM-TIRF, and widefield (compare between modes)
- dual 4-laser modules for 2 separate light paths: SI and Ring TIRF
- LED transillumination
- hardware UltimateFocus and software autofocus to compensate for axial drift
- 3 sCMOS cameras: images are usually acquired at 512×512 pixels, 80 nm per pixel
- environmental control for temperature, humidity, and gas
- software: AcquireSR and softWoRx
- please acknowledge grant proposal S10 OD021490 on any publications that have used this microscope
- modules
- Blaze structured illumination (SI) for 3D SI, 2D SI, and SI TIRF
- Ring TIRF/Photokinetic (PK) for TIRF, bleaching (FRAP, FLIP), FRET, and photo activation
- UltimateFocus to detect the coverglass surface in real time and maintaining the sample Z position to within 25 nm of the position set
- 4 solid state diode lasers: 405, 488, 568, 640 nm
- optical filters
polychroic filters: BGR Drawer channel laser line (nm) phase band (nm) Reflection Band (nm) Transmission Band (nm) DAPI 405 403–407 382–409 421–450 AF488 488 487–488 462–492 505–549 AF568 568 561–569 561–580 591.5–626.5 Cy5 640 639–644 639–652 664–702 emission filters channel Center Wavelength/Bandwidth (nm) blocking range (nm) DAPI 435.5/31 300–410, 461–710 AF488 528/48 300–494, 562–710 AF568 609/37 300–580.5, 637–710 Cy5 683/40 300–653 - camera: pco.edge 4.2 sCMOS
- 6.5 µm×6.5 µm cell
- readout noise: 1.5 electrons at 272.3 MHz
- 16-bit ADC, monochrome
- exposure time: 100 µS to 10 S
- optics
- PLAPON 60XOPSF: 60× oil, NA 1.42, WD 0.15 mm, tested for PSF
- APON 60xOTIRF: 60× oil, NA 1.49, WD 0.1 mm, correction collar for coverglass thickness and temperature
- environmental control
- Cell Box: stage enclosure for temperature, humidity, O2 and CO2 control
- objective heater
- Capabilities of various imaging modes
widefield widefield deconvolution 2D SIM 3D SIM 1 for 488 nm excitation
2 512×512 pixels, 1 mS exposure, per Z slice, zero time delaylateral resolution1 320 nm 250 nm 120 nm 120 nm axial resolution1 600 nm 500 nm 600 nm 340 nm imaging time2 ~3 mS ~3 mS, needs post processing: deconvolution <45 mS per slice (9 images per slice) <100 mS per slice (15 images per slice) application fast, live or fixed tissue imaging fast, live or fixed tissue imaging super resolution, live or fixed tissue imaging super resolution, live or fixed tissue imaging
SP5: Leica TCS SP5 II laser scanning confocal microscope on an inverted stand, PAA A033
(user manual, using ImageJ with lif files)
Confocal system
- scanner
- with 4 spectral detectors for fluorescence and 1 detector for transmitted light, 12-bit output
- mostly software driven (LAS AF 2.7)
- conventional scanner: 5 fps at 512×512 pixels, max at 8192×8192 pixels
- resonant scanner: 28 fps at 512×512 pixels, max at 1024×1024 pixels
- can do 4 simultaneous confocal scans and up to 16 between line or 32 between frame sequential scans
- laser power can be modulated continuously
- ROI scan, Mark & Find, tiling, FRAP & FRET Wizards
- lasers (wavelength in nm)
- diode: 405
- Ar: 458, 476, 488, 514
- DPSS: 561
- HeNe: 633
- beamsplitters (wavelength in nm)
- RT 30/70: for reflective mode
- substrate: plain glass
- TD 488/561/633: 505–540, 570–615, 655–720 triple band pass
- DD 458/514: 470–505, 530–570 double band pass
- RSP 500: reflection shortpass 500
- DD 488/561: 505–545, 580–740 double band pass
- analyser/blocking filters (wavelength in nm)
- 488/561/633
- 458/514
- polarizer
Leica DMI6000: inverted, motorized XYZ stage with galvo insert (500 µm travel), infinity optics with epifluorescence (120 W mercury short-arc reflector lamp) and DIC, motorized objective and condenser turrets
- objectives
- PL S-APO 5×, NA 0.15, WD 12.1 mm (can be installed on demand, DIC not available)
- HC plan apo CS 10×, NA 0.4, WD 2.2 mm (DIC not installed but available on demand)
- HC plan apo CS 20×, NA 0.7, WD 0.59 mm
- HC plan apo CS 20× multi IMMersion, NA 0.7, WD 0.26 mm, correction collar for oil, glycerol, water, with or without coverglass
- HC plan apo CS 40× oil, NA 1.25, WD 0.10 mm, aperture collar
- HC plan apo CS 63× oil, NA 1.40, WD 0.10 mm, aperture collar
- HC plan apo CS 63× water, NA 1.2, WD 0.22 mm, correction collar for cover glass thickness (0.14 mm to 0.18 mm)
- filter cubes for epifluorescent attachment
- A: EX 340–380, DM 400, BA LP485
- GFP ET: EX 450–490, DM 495, BA 500–550
- DsR: EX 541–552, DM 560, BA 568–640
- I3 (not installed): EX 450–490, DM 510, BA LP515
- N21 (not installed): EX 515–560, DM 580, BA LP590
A1R: Nikon A1R HD25 laser scanning confocal microscope, LSB B202A
confocal system
- scanner
- 2 multialkaline and 2 GaAsP detectors for fluorescence, and 1 multialkaline detector for transmitted light, 12-bit output
- mostly software driven (NIS Elements 5.30)
- galvano scanner: 0.7 fps at 512×512 pixels, max at 4096×4096 pixels
- resonant scanner: 15 fps at 1024×1024 pixels max
- simultaneous and sequential scans
- laser power can be modulated continuously
- Mark & Find, tiling, FRAP &
- LU-N4 laser unit (wavelength in nm): 405, 488, 561, 640
- beamsplitters (wavelength in nm)
- 1st dichroic mirror: 405/488/561/640
- BS 20/80: for reflective mode
- Detector configuration
- Ch1: DM 495 LP EM 447/57 (419–476)
- Ch2, GaAsP: DM 560 LP EM 524/42 (503–545)
- Ch3, GaAsP: DM 652 EM 600/45 (578–623)
- Ch4: EM 650 LP
Nikon Ti2-E: inverted stand with Perfect Focus System, infinity optics, epifluorescence, and DIC; motorized components include objective and filter cube turrets, condenser, and XY stage
- objectives
- Plan Apochromat Lambda 10×, NA 0.45, WD 4.0 mm
- Plan Apochromat Lambda 20×, NA 0.75, WD 1.0 mm
- Plan Apochromat Lambda 60× oil, NA 1.4, WD 0.13 mm
- Plan Apochromat 60× water, NA 1.2, WD 0.22 mm, correction collar for cover glass thickness (0.15 mm to 0.18 mm)
- Apochromat Lambda S LWD 20× water, NA 0.95, WD 0.90–0.99 mm, correction collar for cover glass thickness (0.11 mm to 0.23 mm)loaded on demand only
- Apochromat Lambda S LWD 40× water, NA 1.15, WD 0.59–0.61 mm, correction collar for cover glass thickness (0.15 mm to 0.19 mm)loaded on demand only
- Plan Fluor 40× oil, NA 1.3, WD 0.20 mmloaded on demand only
- X-Cite 110LED epifluorescence light source: 375–660 nm
- P736 PInano Z piezo stage with 200 µm travel, universal adapter for slides and dishes, and adapter for well plate; can accept the Tokai Hit stage top incubator (see the description below in the YX1 section)
- filter cube turret
- EX 340–380 DM 400, EM 435–485
- EX 465–495, DM 505, EM 515–555
- EX 528–553, DM 565, EM 590–650
DSU: Olympus DSU spinning disk confocal microscope, PAA A065
- Sutter Lambda XL: 300 nm to 700 nm (spectrum), stable Xenon plasma light source, built-in filter wheel for exciters
Exciter Center Wavelength/Bandwidth (nm) Excitation Band (nm) DA 387/11 381.5–392.5 FI 485/20 475–495 TR 560/25 547.5–572.5 TR-P 556/20 546–566 Cy5 650/13 643.5–656.5 GFP 472/30 455–485 Texas Red 575/25 562.5–587.5 - CoolLED pE-100 Wh2 (white) for transmitted light
Rear light path for confocal, with DSU attachment, and widefield imaging
- DSU with three disks of different slit widths and density
- D1: low magnification, thick preps
- D2: low magnification, thin preps (default)
- D3: high magnification
- Hamamatsu ImageEM Enhanced high dynamic range EM-CCD camera
- 16-bit ADC, monochrome
- 16 µm×16 µm cell
- min. exposure time: 30.5 mS
- transfer time: 32 mS at 512×512 pixels
- readout noise: 1 electron max. at 1200× EM gain (11 MHz)
- filters for epifluorescence
beamsplitters installed in the DSU filter turret Beamsplitter Reflection Band (nm) Edge Wavelength (nm) Transmission Band (nm) quad-band 381.5–392.5
677–722GFP 350–488 495 502–950 Texas Red 350–585 593 601–950 emitters Installed in the DSU filter wheel (Sutter Lambda 10-3) Emitter Center Wavelength/Bandwidth (nm) Emission Band (nm) quad-band 440/40
672–696GFP 520/35 502.5–537.5 Texas Red 641/75 603.5–678.5
Front light path for widefield imageing
- Hamamatsu Orca-flash2.8 CMOS camera
- 12-bit ADC, monochrome
- 3.63 µm×3.63 µm cell
- min. exposure time: 20 µS
- transfer time: 22 mS at 1990×1440 pixels
- readout noise: 3 electrons at 8× analog gain
- epifluorescent beamsplitter and emitter
- a quad-band set similar to the rear camera is used for the front camera
- beamsplitter in front filter turret
- emitters in front filter wheel (Sutter Lambda 10-3)
- a triple-band set in the front filter turret for observation through the binocluar
Beamsplitter Reflection Band (nm) Edge Wavelength (nm) Transmission Band (nm) triple-band 386–393
584–645Emitter Center Wavelength/Bandwidth (nm) Emission Band (nm) triple-band 432/36
- a quad-band set similar to the rear camera is used for the front camera
Olympus IX81: inverted stand, infinity optics with epifluorescence and DIC, motorized objective and condenser turrets
- objectives
- UPlanSApo 4×, NA 0.16, WD 13 mm
- UPlanSApo 10×, NA 0.4, WD 3.1 mm
- UPlanSApo 20×, NA 0.75, WD 0.65 mm
- UPlanSApo 20× oil, NA 0.85, WD 0.20 mm
- UPlanSApo 60× oil, NA 1.35, WD 0.15 mm, BFP1
- UApo N 340 20× water, NA 0.70, WD 0.35 mm
- UApo N 340 40× water, NA 1.15, WD 0.25 mm, correction collar for cover glass thickness (0.13 mm to 0.25 mm), BFP1
- UPlanSApo 60× water, NA 1.2, WD 0.28 mm, correction collar for cover glass thickness (0.13 mm to 0.21 mm)
- ASI XYZ motorized stage with piezo insert (350 µm travel)
- MetaMorph Premier (7.7) for hardware control and image acquistion
YX1: Yokogawa CSU-X1 spinning disk confocal microscope, LSB B212
The components marked IPD, Fowler or Winkler are owned by the Insititue of Protein Design, Fowler, or Winkler Lab. They are made available through a collaboration between the Department of Biology and the above mentioned units.
Spinning disk, left camera port
- CSU-X1 unit
- Microlens-enhanced Nipkow disk
- 1500–10000 rpm, continuously adjustable
- 3-position dichroic filter wheel with a quad band filter: 429–491, 516–552, 583–636, 672–748
- 6-position emission filter wheel with 4 single band and a quad band filters
- 455/50 (430–480)
- 525/36 (507–543)
- 605/52 (579–631)
- 705/72 (669–741)
- 428–466, 509–531, 578–616, 671–738
- image size is about 7.8 mm×10.7 mm (710×970 pixels as projected on to the camera, usable ROI is 650×928 pixels)
- Nikon LUN-F XL laser launch with 4 solid state lasers: 405, 488, 561, 640 nm
- Photometrics Prime95B back illuminated scientific CMOS camera
- 95% QE at 550 nm
- 16-bit digital output, monochrome
- 11 µm×11 µm cell
- readout time: 24 mS (41 fps) at 16-bit, full frame
- 13.2 mm×13.2 mm sensor area, 1200×1200 pixel
- Gataca Live-SR super resolution module
- motorized magnification switcher with standard (1×) and SR position (1.7×)
- Live-SR deconvolution algorithm can be applied to live images or in post-processing
- can be used with low or high magnification objective lenses
- resolution up to 120 nm in XY
Widefield imagingIPD, right camera port
- Lumencor Celesta light engine with 7 laser lines: 408, 445, 473, 518, 545, 635, 750 nm
- Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion scientific CMOS camera
- 80% QE at 550 nm
- 16-bit digital output, monochrome
- 6.5 µm×6.5 µm cell
- readout time: 11.22 mS (89 fps) at 16-bit, full frame
- 14.98 mm×14.98 mm sensor area, 2304×2304 pixels
- Finger Lakes Instrumentation HS-625 high speed emission filter wheel with 5 bandpass filters:
- 514/30 (499–529)
- 565/24 (553–577)
- 624/40 (604–644)
- 676/29 (662–691)
- 732/68 (698–766)
Nikon Ti2-E: inverted stand with Perfect Focus System, infinity optics, epifluorescence, motorized stage and motorized objective and filter cube turrets
- objectives
- Plan Apochromat Lambda 4×, NA 0.2, WD 20.0 mmIPD
- Plan Apochromat Lambda 10×, NA 0.45, WD 4.0 mmFowler
- Plan Apochromat Lambda 20×, NA 0.75, WD 1.0 mm
- Plan Apochromat Lambda 40×, NA 0.95, WD 0.17–0.25 mm, correction collar for cover glass thickness (0.11 mm to 0.23 mm)IPD
- S Plan Fluor ELWD ADM 40×, NA 0.60, WD 3.6–2.8 mm, correction collar for cover glass thickness (0 mm to 2 mm), phase contrast PH2Winkler loaded on demand only
- Plan Apochromat Lambda 60× oil, NA 1.4, WD 0.13 mm
- Apochromat Lambda S LWD 20× water, NA 0.95, WD 0.90–0.99 mm, correction collar for cover glass thickness (0.11 mm to 0.23 mm)loaded on demand only
- Apochromat Lambda S LWD 40× water, NA 1.15, WD 0.59–0.61 mm, correction collar for cover glass thickness (0.15 mm to 0.19 mm)loaded on demand only
- Plan Fluor 40× oil, NA 1.3, WD 0.20 mmloaded on demand only
- X-Cite 110LED epifluorescence light source: 375–660 nm
- P736 PInano Z piezo stage with 200 µm travel, universal adapter for slides and dishes, and adapter for well plate
- upper filter cube turretIPD:
- pentaband filter cube
- dichroic: 422–467, 482–533, 558–623, 651–733, 764–865
- emission: 424–462, 486–531, 562–620, 657–731, 769–865
- CFP: DM 458, EM 483/32 (467–499)
- CFP/YFP: DM 458, EM 542/27 (529–556)
- YFP: DM 526, EM 544/24 (532–556)
- pentaband filter cube
- lower filter cube turret
- EX 340–380 DM 400, EM 435–485
- EX 465–495, DM 505, EM 515–555
- EX 528–553, DM 565, EM 590–650
- Tokai Hit stage top incubator
- TIZWX incubation system for dishes and well plate
- STXF controller with analog flowmeter and STX–CO2O2 for hypoxia condition
- setting range
- CO2: 5.0% ~ 20.0%
- O2: 0.1% ~ 18.0%
- temperature: 30 °C ~ 40 °C
- National Instrument DAQ
Other light microscopes
- Eclipse: Nikon Eclipse E600FN with an upright stand, fixed stage, infinity optics, epifluorescence and DIC, PAA A061
- Objectives
- 4×, NA 0.10, WD 30
- plan apo 10×, NA 0.45 DIC L, WD 4.0
- plan apo 20×, NA 0.75 DIC M, WD 1.0
- plan fluor 40×, NA 1.30 oil DIC H, WD 0.20
- plan apo 60×, NA 1.40 oil DIC H, WD 0.21
- plan fluor 20×, NA 0.50 water dipping
- fluor 40×, NA 0.80 water dipping DIC M, WD 2.0
- plan apo 60×, NA 1.2 water DIC H, WD 0.22
- Filter cubes for epifluorescent attachment
- blue: EX ~350, DM 400, BA ~430
- green, B-2A: EX 450–490, DM 505, BA 515–555
- red: EX 541–551, DM 565, BA 580
- Camera: color, 3 MP CMOS, 3.2 µm pixel, 2048×1536 pixels (user manual)
- Objectives
- M8: Wild M8 dissecting microscope, PAA A061
- 10× ocular and plan 1× objective
- Zoom Changer engravings indicate total magnifications available when used with a pair of 10× oculars: 6×, 9×, 12×, 18×, 25×, 40×, and 50×
- additional oculars: 15× and 20×
- Camera: color, 3 MP CMOS, 3.2 µm pixel, 2048×1536 pixels (user manual)
Axiozoom: Zeiss Axio Zoom.V16 microscope, PAA A053 (user manual)
- motorized zoom from 0.7× to 11.2×
- objectives
- PlanNeoFluar Z 1.0×, NA 0.25, WD 56 mm
- PlanNeoFluar Z 2.3×, NA 0.57, WD 10.6 mm
- transillumination base for bright field and dark field
- Filter cubes for motorized epifluorescent attachment
- blue: EX 365/100, DM 395, EM 445/50
- green: EX 470/40, DM 495, EM 525/50
- red: EX 545/25, DM 570, EM 605/70
- Camera: Axiocam 506 with 1× and 0.63× adapter
- monochrome, 6 MP, 4.54 µm pixel, 2752×2208 pixels
- CCD Peltier-cooled to 18 °C
TEM: Philips CM100 transmission electron microscope, PAA A071
(user manual, magnification calibration)
- tungsten filament
- 40 kV to 100 kV, 18× to 450k×
- resolution is currently about 4 nm
- Olympus Morada 11-megapixel digital camera: 14-bit, 9 µm×9 µm cell, can acquire images up to 2672×3615 pixels; typical image at high magnification has a pixel size of 0.55 nm and the field of view is 1.46 µm×1.98 µm
- camera for 3¼"×4" plate film (seldom used)
Sample preparation lab
PAA A059
- Denton DCP-1 critical point dryer: CO2, pressure chamber is 1-1/8" diameter by 2-5/8" deep (28 mm by 66 mm) (user manual)
- supplies for SEM sample preparation
PAA A061
- EMS Quorum 105T ES sample preparation system for sputter coating, carbon evaporation, etc.
- LKB Type 7801B glass knife maker for 6 mm–7 mm thick glass (user manual)
- Dupont Sorvall glass knife maker for 9 mm and 12 mm thick glass
- RMC PT-XL ultramicrotome
PAA A079
- RMC MT6000 ultramicrotome
- fume hood
- VirTis BT6KEL-85 freeze dryer (user manual)