Content: references • misc. resources • other microscopy facilities
Titles with * can be made available for very short term loan from the Imaging Facility. Titles followed by confocal are part of the confocal reading materials.
- The Microscopy Society of America's Policy on Digital Imaging
- General guidelines about image manipulation from JCB
- Avoiding Twisted Pixels: Ethical Guidelines for the Appropriate Use and Manipulation of Scientific Digital Images, Douglas W. Cromey, 2010, Science and Engineering Ethics, 16(4): 639-667, from Springer
- Olympus Microscopy Resource Center: a good online resources on key concepts in microscopy, including confocal
- ThermoFisher's Fundamentals of Fluorescence Microscopy: short articles on basics of epifluorescence microscopy
- Leica Science Lab carries short articles on microscopy and histology. A few articles from the Confocal Microscopy section are particularly relevant and they are listed below. confocal
- 8-bit or 12-bit? a tip from the Integrated Biomedical Imaging Facility at Creighton University confocal
- sampling rate and z step size from SVI confocal
- a more detail tutorial on confocal imaging from University Of Helsinki confocal
- an online training course for confocal microscopy on MyScope from Microscopy Australia
- A video on preventing objective lens damage by Jennifer Waters, from the Microcourses channel
- Handbook of biological confocal microscopy, edited by James B. Pawley, 3rd ed, New York, Springer, 2006* (check UW lib holding of this edition) confocal
- Chapter 4: Points, Pixels, and Gray Levels: Digitizing Image Data is on academia. It explains the fundamental concepts of acquiring digital images.
- Fluorophore selection from ThermoFisher: a dashboard showing the performance of a fluorophore to help you make an informed selection
- SpectraViewer from ThermoFisher
- FPbase: spectrum viewer for fluorophores and more
- The Image Processing Handbook, 7th Edition, John C. Russ and F. Brent Neal, 2018; CRC Press; (check UW lib holding)
- Practical methods in electron microscopy, edited by Audrey M. Glauert, Amsterdam, North-Holland Pub. Co., 1972- (check UW lib holdings)
- v. 1, pt. 1. Specimen preparation in materials science, P.J. Goodhew; pt. 2. Electron diffraction and optical diffraction techniques, B.E.P. Beeston, R.W. Horne, and R. Markham
- v. 2. Principles and practice of electron microscope operation
- v. 3, pt. 1. Fixation, dehydration, and embedding of biological specimens, A.M. Glauert*; pt. 2. Ultramicrotomy, N. Reid*
- v. 4. Design of the electron microscope laboratory, R.H. Alderson
- v.5, pt. 1. Staining methods for sectioned material, P.R. Lewis*; pt. 2. X-ray microanalysis in the electron microscope, J.A. Chandler
- v. 6. pt. 1. Autoradiography and immunocytochemistry, M. A. Williams; pt. 2. Quantitative methods in biology, M.A. Williams
- v. 7. Image analysis, enhancement, and interpretation, D.L. Misell*
- v. 8. Replica, shadowing, and freeze-etching techniques, J.H.M. Willison
- v. 9. Dynamic experiments in the electron microscope, E.P. Butler, K.F. Hale
- v. 10. Low temperature methods in biological electron microscopy, A. W. Robards, U. B. Sleytr
- V. 11. Thin Foil Preparation for Electron Microscopy, P.J. GOODHEW
- v. 12. Electron Diffraction: An Introduction for Biologists, D.L. MISELL and E.B. BROWN
- v. 13. Sectioning and Cryosectioning for Electron Microscopy, Norma Reid and Julian E. Beesley
- v. 14. Cytochemical staining methods for electron microscopy, P.R. Lewis, D.P. Knight
- v. 15. Vacuum Methods in Electron Microscopy, Wilbur C. Bigelow
- v. 16. X-ray Microanalysis for Biologists, Alice Warley
- v. 17. Biological specimen preparation for transmission electron microscopy, Audrey M. Glauert, Peter R. Lewis
- v. 18. Negative Staining Methods for Electron Microscopy, R.W. Home, E.A. Munn
- Electron Microscopy, J.J. Bozzola, L.D. Russell, Jones & Bartlett, Boston, 1992* (check UW lib holdings on a more recent edition)
- The Operation of Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopes, D. Chescoe and P. J. Goodhew, 1990*
- Scanning electron microscopy: a student's handbook, Michael T. Postek et al., Ladd Research Industries, Inc., 1980* (check UW lib holdings)
- Artifacts in Biological Electron Microscopy, edited by Richard F. E. Crang and Karen L. Klomparens, Plenum Press, 1988* (check UW lib holdings)
- basic concepts of TEM on MyScope by Microscopy Australia
Misc. resources
- Biology has a few STF-funded hardware and software resources for image acquisition and analyses.
- STF 2024: Leica light microscopes and camera in LSB4 wet lab area, please contact Brosi Lab Manager <> for training
- DM1000 LED Compound Microscope
- M80 Stereomicroscope
- Flexacam C5 camera with Enersight camera software
- STF 2021-3: JEOL JCM-7000 benchtop scanning electron microscope in LSB B202, please contact Prof. Alex Paredez <> for training
- SEM sample preparation (flow chart) can be done in the Imaging Facility prep labs
- STF 2020-35: Imaris 9.5 for Cell Biologists, floating licenses
- STF 2020-34: 24" and 32" display graphics tablets
- STF 2017-101: high performance computers with dual Xeon processors, 128 or 256 GB of RAM, and NVIDIA Quadro P2000 and GeForce GTX 1080 GPU.
- STF 2024: Leica light microscopes and camera in LSB4 wet lab area, please contact Brosi Lab Manager <> for training
- Biology has an Ocean Optics USB2000 spectrometer with accessories, please check with facility staff about availability
- OceanView 1.6.7, Acer laptop
- reflection probe holder
- reflectance probe R400-7-UV-VIS
- Spectralon diffuse reflection standard
- DGK color chart
- DH-2000 light source
Other microscopy facilities
- Digital Microscopy Center
- Keck Microscopy Facility
- Molecular Analysis Facility
- Pathology Research Services Laboratory
- Office of Research Shared Research Facilities and Resources directory
- A directory of laboratory and clinical research resources available across the five-state WWAMI region maintained by the Institute of Translational Health Sciences.