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Contact us

Contact information for specific members of the department can be found in the directory.

You can also contact us using:

Phone numbers

Undergraduate Office
Administrative Office

Biology Chair and Associate Chairs

Marti Bosma

Associate Chair, Graduate Program
Berry Brosi

Associate Chair, Undergraduate Program
Mandy Schivell

Administrative Staff

Michele Conrad
(206) 685-8241

Assistant to the Chair
Zania Flores
(206) 685-8242

Director of Undergraduate Academic Services 
Janet Germeraard
(206) 543-6647

Director of Instructional Technology
Dave Hurley

Graduate Program Manager

Faculty Coordinator of Biology Instruction

Advancement and Communications 
Joyce Antonio
(206) 685-2185

Mailing Address for Life Sciences Building, Johnson Hall and Hitchcock Hall occupants:

US Postal Service
Recipient's Name
University of Washington
Department of Biology
Box 351800
Seattle, WA 98195-1800

UPS & FedEx
Recipient's Name
University of Washington
Department of Biology
3747 West Stevens Way NE,
LSB, Rm B147A
Seattle, WA 98195-1800

Date last changed Jun 2nd, 2023 @ 09:01:57 PDT