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Contact us
Contact information for specific members of the department can be found in the directory.
You can also contact us using:
Phone numbers
Undergraduate Office 206-543-9120 |
Administrative Office 206-543-1620 |
Biology Chair and Associate Chairs
Marti Bosma
Associate Chair, Graduate Program
Berry Brosi
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Program
Mandy Schivell
Administrative Staff
Michele Conrad
(206) 685-8241
Assistant to the Chair
Zania Flores
(206) 685-8242
Director of Undergraduate Academic Services
Janet Germeraard
(206) 543-6647
Director of Instructional Technology
Dave Hurley
Graduate Program Manager
Faculty Coordinator of Biology Instruction
Advancement and Communications
Joyce Antonio
(206) 685-2185
Mailing Address for Life Sciences Building, Johnson Hall and Hitchcock Hall occupants:
US Postal Service
Recipient's Name
University of Washington
Department of Biology
Box 351800
Seattle, WA 98195-1800
UPS & FedEx
Recipient's Name
University of Washington
Department of Biology
3747 West Stevens Way NE,
LSB, Rm B147A
Seattle, WA 98195-1800