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Mentoring resources

Mentoring Resources

Graduate & Postdoc Committee 

During the 2019-2020 academic year, the Graduate Student and Postdoc Committee, in coordination with HHMI, conducted a survey of the Biology graduate students and postdoctoral scholars which produced a call to action from the department to develop resources for mentorship. 

Mentorship Compact

During the 2020-2021 academic year, the Graduate Student and Postdoc Committee has developed a mentorship checklist for new graduate students and postdocs in our department. The checklist is designed as a 1-page "conversation starter" to address topics at the mentor-mentee dyad and lab group levels. 

Mentorship Compact Checklist

Mentorship Compact Checklist with DEC Suggestions

Mentorship Philosophies

IDP Form


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Date last changed May 3rd, 2021 @ 13:44:54 PDT