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Content: StaffPhone numberDelivery of large items


Facility Coordinator: Wai Chan Pang's mug shot
Email address:
Office location: Physics-Astronomy Auditorium, PAA A087
Mailing address for USPS: Univ of Washington
Department of Biology
Life Sciences Building
Box 351800
Seattle, WA 98195-1800
Delivery address for other couriers to LSB:
(see alternate address below
for large items to PAA)
Univ of Washington
Department of Biology
Life Sciences Building B147A
3747 West Stevens Way NE
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: (206) 685-1519

Phone numbers for the facility

Facility Room # Phone #
Leica SP5 II LSCM PAA A033 (206) 543-5319
Zeiss Axio Zoom PAA A053 (206) 685-5209
Olympus DSU spinning disk
confocal microscope
PAA A065 (206) 616-4958
Philips CM100 TEM PAA A071 (206) 616-4273
FEI Apreo VolumeScope MOL G44L (206) 221-2399

Delivery of large items to PAA

  • Bulky items e.g., too heavy for hand carry, will need to use the Physics loading dock. Please make arrangement with Facility staff before sending anything to the loading dock.

    Physics Astronomy loading dock
    3910 15th Ave NE
    Seattle, WA 98195

    Physics loading dock entrance on 15th Ave NE
    Click to view this location in Google Map

  • How to get to the Biology sector in the Physics Astronomy Auditorium basement from the loading dock.
    delivery route from loading dock to Imaging Facility

Date last changed Jun 27th, 2022 @ 11:55:24 PDT