The Biology Graduation ceremony will be on Friday, June 13th in the Alaska Airline Arena from 12-3 pm. More info will be provided at the start of Spring.
Enhancing the student experience
What inspires your curiosity? The Biology program at the University of Washington firmly believes that curiosity should lead you to the field of study that sparks an undeniable interest. Biology students have myriad opportunities to explore subjects and issues that influence our lives and the surrounding environment in which we live. Through challenging and engaging courses, fieldwork, research, and internships, our students develop a keen awareness of the miraculous nature of Biology. Additionally, the depth and breadth of biological studies at UW serve as a foundation for broad and diverse career options.
The Department of Biology is currently the largest undergraduate major on the UW Seattle campus. The majors below provide training in biology at all levels, from introductory to highly advanced and give students the opportunity to choose a curriculum that best suits their needs. The department primarily focuses on plant and animal physiology, ecology, evolution, and cell biology.
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