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Dissertation Defense: Alex Lowe
Changing Perspectives on the Synapsid Evolutionary Radiation and the Evolution of Mammals
The emergence of the mammals from morphologically disparate synapsid ancestors is one of the great macroevolutionary transitions preserved in the fossil record. The quality of the synapsid record allowed the basic steps of the transition to be recognized early. Yet, the lack of tools like modern phylogenetic comparative methods and the difficulty of preparing a diverse sample of specimens resulted in simple transitional sequences based on small numbers of exemplar taxa representing broad evolutionary grades.
Prof. Emeritus Ray Huey and Affiliate Professor Keiko Torii elected to the National Academy of Sciences for 2024
Prof. Emeritus Ray Huey elected to the National Academy of Sciences for 2024
Studies by the Strömberg Lab on evolution of grasslands published in Science
Ray Huey's research on climate impacts on baby names featured in UW News
Peter Ward featured on KUOW on the study of nautilus, a "living fossil"
Occurrence of Styxosaurus (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauria) in the Cenomanian: implications for relationships of elasmosaurids of the Western Interior Seaway
Submitted by Elliott -Armour... on
New Social Insect Nests from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Utah
Submitted by Elliott -Armour... on