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Research by Rico-Guevara lab utilizes tiny, attached "backpacks" on hummingbirds to offer insight on movement
Dee Boersma in The New York Times on penguin's 2,000-mile trip
Research by Center for Ecosystem Sentinels quantifies the risk for whale-ship collisions worldwide for first time
Dissertation Defense: Alex Lowe
Research led by Jennifer Tennessen finds that Salish Sea waters are too noisy for resident orcas to hunt successfully
Jennifer Ruesink featured in article on collaborative WSG-funded research that informs the future of eelgrass restoration in WA
Jeffrey Riffell & Joel Thornton receive first Kavli-NSF grant
Glucose, fructose, and the evolution of high-sugar diets in bats
Bats have diversified to specialize on a remarkable variety of diets. Among these, sugar-rich fruit and nectar diets come with unique challenges, particularly to the maintenance of blood sugar levels and energy homeostasis, with high-sugar intake leading to disease in most mammals. Importantly, frugivory and nectarivory have independently evolved at least two, and 7 times, respectively, among bats, implying independent suites of adaptations to these dietary-related challenges.
Bears in bathtubs: how behavior and life history shape predator responses to global change
From our oceans to savannas, animals must cope with dynamic environments that are undergoing unprecedented rates of change. How do animals make decisions in the face of such environmental changes, and what are the consequences of those decisions for individuals, populations, ecological communities, and—importantly—interactions with people? Examining these linkages is important for gaining mechanistic insight into how and why animal communities will be affected by global change, and for targeting effective conservation strategies.