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Interactive models of evolving populations help students understand natural selection, population genetics, and evolutionary engineering

Students learn science by doing science. I will demonstrate individual-based models of evolving populations that let students hone their understanding of fundamental concepts in evolutionary biology—by making predictions and checking them against data in real time.

Please bring a laptop or tablet (although even a phone will work). Please be ready to collaborate. There's nothing you need to install or do ahead of time, but this link will be useful during the seminar:

Mutualistic Networks: Structure, Function, and Response to Perturbations

Mutualisms are species interactions that are mutually beneficial, including cleaning mutualisms, seed dispersal, and pollination among many others. In nature, most mutualistic interactions are generalized, with any given species interacting with many other partner species. The interactions between pairs of species scale up to form networks, which have a characteristic set of structural properties that are widely consistent across different species, interaction types, and ecosystems.


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