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Fields of interest
The cdc is wrong, Bergstrom, Carl T. , Chronicle of Higher Education, (2020)
Early snowmelt and warmer, drier summers shrink post‐flowering transition times in subalpine wildflowers, Sethi, Meera Lee, Theobald Elli J., Breckheimer Ian, and HilleRisLambers Janneke , Ecology, Mar-08-2022, (2020)
Predicting an epidemic trajectory is difficult, Wilke, Claus O., and Bergstrom Carl T. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 117, p.28549–28551, (2020)
Nek8445, a protein kinase required for microtubule regulation and cytokinesis in Giardia lamblia, Hennessey, Kelly M. , Molecular Biology of the Cell, 05/2020, (2020)
The balance hypothesis for the avian lumbosacral organ and an exploration of its morphological variation, Stanchak, Kathryn E., French Cooper, Perkel David J., and Brunton Bingni W. , Integrative Organismal Biology, Volume 2, p.obaa024, (2020)
Signals without teleology, Bergstrom, Carl T., Huttegger Simon M., and Zollman Kevin J. S. , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Volume 84, p.101310, (2020)
Biological invasions alter environmental microbiomes: A meta-analysis, Malacrinò, Antonino, Sadowski Victoria A., Martin Tvisha K., De Oliveira Nathalia Cavichioll, Brackett Ian J., Feller James D., Harris Kristian J., Heredia Orlando Combita, Vescio Rosa, and Bennett Alison E. , PLoS ONE, Volume 15, p.1-12, (2020)
The biology of Megalolaelaps colossus (Acari: Dermanyssina), Cómbita-Heredia, Orlando, Quintero-Gutiérrez Edwin Javier, Romero-García Nicole, and Klompen Hans , Experimental and Applied Acarology, Volume 80, p.167–181, (2020)
Mountaineers on Mount Everest: Effects of age, sex, experience, and crowding on rates of success and death, Huey, Raymond B., Carroll Cody, Salisbury Richard, and Wang Jane-Ling , PLOS ONE, aug, Volume 15, p.e0236919, (2020)
Prairies, Savannas, and Oak Woodlands of the Pacific Northwest, Dunwiddie, P.W., and Alverson E.R. , Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, (2019)
Chapter 11: Northeast Pacific: Interactions on subtidal hard substrata, Heery, Eliza C., and Sebens Kenneth P. , Interactions in the Marine Benthos – Global Patterns and Processes. Hawkins SJ Bohn K. Firth LB Eds, Cambridge, (2019)
Contest models highlight inherent inefficiencies of scientific funding competitions, Gross, Kevin, and Bergstrom Carl T. , PLoS biology, Volume 17, p.e3000065, (2019)
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii formin FOR1 and profilin PRF1 are optimized for acute rapid actin filament assembly, Christensen, Jenna R., Craig Evan W., Glista Michael J., Mueller David M., Li Yujie, Sees Jennifer A., Huang Shengping, Suarez Cristian, Mets Laurens J., Kovar David R., et al. , Molecular Biology of the Cell, Jun-10-2021, p.mbc.E19-08-0463, (2019)
Evaluating Native American Bird Use and Bird Assemblage Variability along the Oregon Coast, Bovy, Kristine M., Moss Madonna L., Watson Jessica E., White Frances J., Jones Timothy T., Ulrich Heather A., and Parrish Julia K. , The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology,, 05/22/2018, Volume 14, Issue 3, (2019)
Chloroplast primers for clade-wide phylogenetic studies of Thalictrum, Morales‐Briones, Diego F., Arias Tatiana, Di Stilio Verónica S., and Tank David C. , Applications in Plant Sciences, Volume 7, p.e11294, (2019)
Climate Warming, Resource Availability, and the Metabolic Meltdown of Ectotherms, Huey, Raymond B., and Kingsolver Joel G. , The American Naturalist, dec, Volume 194, p.E140–E150, (2019)
