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Fields of interest
Signatures of geography, climate and foliage on given names of baby girls, Huey, Raymond B., and Miles Donald B. , Evolutionary Human Sciences, Volume 4, p.e56, (2022)
Heterochrony and repurposing in the evolution of gymnosperm seed dispersal units, San Martin, J. A., Pozner R. E., and Di Stilio V. S. , EvoDevo, 02/2022, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.7 pages, (2022)
Diversity of cellular physiology and morphology of Purkinje cells in the adult zebrafish cerebellum, Magnus, Gerhard, Xing Junking, Zhang Yueping, and Han Victor , J Comp Neurol, 12/2022, Volume 531, Issue 3, p.25, (2022)
Using beached bird data to assess seabird oiling susceptibility, Waugh, Jazzmine K. , Marine Pollution Bulletin, 03/2022, Volume 176, (2022)
Osteoblasts pattern endothelium and somatosensory axons during zebrafish caudal fin organogenesis, Bump, Rosalind G., Goo Camille E. A., Horton Emma C., and Rasmussen Jeffrey P. , Development, Feb, Volume 149, (2022)
Long duration advertisement calls of nesting male plainfin midshipman fish are honest indicators of size and condition, Balebail, S., and Sisneros Joseph A. , Journal of Experimental Biology, (2022)
Mechanistic insights into actin force generation during vesicle formation from cryo-electron tomography, Serwas, Daniel, Akamatsu Matthew, Moayed Amir, Vegesna Karthik, Vasan Ritvik, Hill Jennifer M., Schöneberg Johannes, Davies Karen M., Rangamani Padmini, and Drubin David G. , Developmental Cell, (2022)
Designing a Seasonal Acclimation Study Presents Challenges and Opportunities, Huey, Raymond B., and Buckley Lauren B. , Integrative Organismal Biology, Volume 4, (2022)
Calling bullshit: the art of skepticism in a data-driven world, Bergstrom, Carl T., and West Jevin D. , (2021)
Spontaneous homeotic mutants and genetic control of floral organ identity in a ranunculid, Martínez-Gómez, Jesús, Galimba Kelsey D., Coté Erin Y., Sullivan Alessandra M., and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Evolution & Development, Volume 23, p.197-214, (2021)
Active learning:“Hands-on” meets “minds-on”, Yannier, Nesra, Hudson Scott E., Koedinger Kenneth R., Hirsh-Pasek Kathy, Golinkoff Roberta Michnick, Munakata Yuko, Doebel Sabine, Schwartz Daniel L., Deslauriers Louis, McCarty Logan, et al. , Science, Volume 374, p.26–30, (2021)
Seasonality in Kgalagadi Lizards: Inferences from Legacy Data, Huey, Raymond B., Miles Donald B., and Pianka Eric R. , The American Naturalist, dec, Volume 198, p.759–771, (2021)
Value of models for membrane budding, Lee, Christopher T., Akamatsu Matthew, and Rangamani Padmini , Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Volume 71, p.38–45, (2021)
Ephedra as a gymnosperm evo-devo model lineage, Di Stilio, Verónica S., and Ickert-Bond Stephanie , Evolution & Development, 01/2021, p.e12370, (2021)
Bridging Trade-Offs between Traditional and Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences by Building Student Communication Skills, Identity, and Interest, Burmeister, Alita R., Dickinson Katie, and Graham Mark J. , Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, (2021)
Locomotion and Energetics of Divergent Foraging Strategies in Hummingbirds: A Review, Sargent, A J., Groom D J. E., and Rico-Guevara A , Integrative and Comparative Biology, (2021)
Misinformation in and about science, West, Jevin D., and Bergstrom Carl T. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 118, (2021)
On the relevance of regional collections: a perspective from a recent mammal collection in the heart of the Atlantic Forest hotspot in Brazil, Bissoli-Silva, Heitor, Guerra Edú, Lemes Thamila, Silveira Mattheus, Nascimento Monique do, Leite Yuri, and Costa Leonora , Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy, (2021)
Mammal collections in Brazil: overview and database, Chiquito, Elisandra, Caccavo Aldo, Santos Carolina, Semedo Thiago, Costa-Pinto Anna, Astúa Diego, Bezerra Alexandra, Silva Claudia, Guerra Edú, Gonçalves Pablo, et al. , Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy, Volume 90, (2021)
