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Fields of interest
Relative Rates of Surface and Volume Synthesis Set Bacterial Cell Size, Harris, Leigh K., and Theriot Julie A. , Cell, Volume 165, Issue 6, p.1479 - 1492, (2016)
The evolution of cooperation by the Hankshaw effect., Hammarlund, Sarah P., Connelly Brian D., and Kerr Benjamin , Evolution, 06/2016, Volume 70, Issue 6, (2016)
ANISEED 2015: a digital framework for the comparative developmental biology of ascidians., Brozovic, Matija, Martin Cyril, Dantec Christelle, Dauga Delphine, Mendez Mickaël, Simion Paul, Percher Madeline, Laporte Baptiste, Scornavacca Céline, Di Gregorio Anna, et al. , Nucleic acids research, 2016 Jan 4, Volume 44, Issue D1, p.D808-18, (2016)
Long-term effects of prairie restoration on plant community structure and native population dynamics, Trowbridge, C. C., Stanley A., Kaye T. N., Dunwiddie P. W., and Williams J. L. , Restoration Ecology, (2016)
Extracting spatial–temporal coherent patterns in large-scale neural recordings using dynamic mode decomposition, Brunton, Bingni W., Johnson Lise A., Ojemann Jeffrey G., and Kutz Nathan J. , Journal of neuroscience methods, Volume 258, p.1–15, (2016)
Human injuries and fatalities due to venomous marine snails of the family Conidae, , International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Thereapeutics, July/2016, Volume 54, Issue 7/2016, p.524-538, (2016)
Functions of Phytoliths in Vascular Plants: An Evolutionary Perspective, Strömberg, C. A. E., Di Stilio VS, and Song Z. , Functional Ecology, 05/2016, (2016)
Deconstructing Darwin’s Naturalization Conundrum in the San Juan Islands using community phylogenetics and functional traits, Marx, H.E., Giblin D., Dunwiddie P.W., and Tank D.C. , Diversity and Distributions, Volume 22, (2016)
Evolving technologies for growing, imaging and analyzing 3D root system architecture of crop plants, Piñeros, Miguel A., Larson Brandon G., Shaff Jon E., Schneider David J., Falcão Alexandre Xavier, Yuan Lixing, Clark Randy T., Craft Eric J., Davis Tyler W., Pradier Pierre-Luc, et al. , Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Jan-03-2016, Issue 3, p.230 - 241, (2016)
Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences, Ceriaco, Luis M. P., and al. et , Zootaxa, Nov-11-2017, Volume 4196, Issue 3, p.435, (2016)
Negative niche construction favors the evolution of cooperation, Connelly, Brian D., Dickinson Katherine J., Hammarlund Sarah P., and Kerr Benjamin , Evolutionary Ecology, Jan-04-2016, Volume 30, Issue 2, p.267 - 283, (2016)
Shoreline armoring in an estuary constrains wrack-associated invertebrate communities., Heerhartz, S.M., Toft J.D., Cordell J.R., Ogston A.S., and Dethier M.N. , Estuaries and Coasts, Volume 39, (2016)
Bayesian inference of species diffusion in the West African Agama agama species group (Reptilia, Agamidae), Leaché, Adam D., Grummer Jared A., Miller Michael, Krishnan Sneha, Fujita Matthew K., Böhme Wolfgang, Schmitz Andreas, Lebreton Matthew, Ineich Ivan, Chirio Laurent, et al. , Systematics and Biodiversity, p.1–12, (2016)
Fast Mechanically Driven Daughter Cell Separation Is Widespread in Actinobacteria , Zhou, Xiaoxue, Halladin David K., and Theriot Julie A. , mBio, Volume 7, Issue 4, p.e00952-16, (2016)
The Microcephaly-Associated Protein Wdr62/CG7337 Is Required to Maintain Centrosome Asymmetry in Drosophila Neuroblasts., Ramdas Nair, Anjana, Singh Priyanka, Salvador Garcia David, Rodriguez-Crespo David, Egger Boris, and Cabernard Clemens , Cell reports, 2016 Jan 20, (2016)
The larval nervous system of the penis worm Priapulus caudatus (Ecdysozoa), ín-Durán, é M., Wolff Gabriella H., Strausfeld Nicholas J., and Hejnol Andreas , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 05/2016, Volume 371, Issue 1685, p.20150050, (2016)
Partial redundancy and functional specialization of E-class SEPALLATA genes in an early-diverging eudicot, Soza, Valerie L., Snelson Corey D., Hazelton Kristen D. Hewett, and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Developmental Biology, Volume 419, Issue 1, p.143-155, (2016)
Sparse Sensor Placement Optimization for Classification, Brunton, BW, Brunton SL, Proctor JL, and Kutz JN , SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Volume 76, p.2099–2122, (2016)
Males Under-Estimate Academic Performance of Their Female Peers in Undergraduate Biology Classrooms, Grunspan, D. E., Eddy S. L., Brownell S. E., Wiggins B., Crowe A. J., and Goudreau S. M. , PLOS ONE, Volume DOI:10.1371, (2016)
