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Fields of interest
Size, shape, and direction matters: Matching secondary genital structures in male and female mites using multiple microscopy techniques and 3D modeling, Cómbita-Heredia, Orlando, Gulbronson Connor J., Ochoa Ronald, Quintero-Gutiérrez Edwin Javier, Bauchan Gary, and Klompen Hans , Plos one, Volume 16, p.e0254974, (2021)
Distance Dependent Contribution of Ants to Pollination but Not Defense in a Dioecious, Ambophilous Gymnosperm, Aranda-Rickert, Adriana, Torréns Javier, Yela Natalia I., Brizuela María Magdalena, and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 12, p.1979, (2021)
Climate change impacts on natural icons: Do phenological shifts threaten the relationship between peak wildflowers and visitor satisfaction?, Lambers, Janneke Hille Ris, Cannistra Anthony F., John Aji, Lia Emmi, Manzanedo Rubén D., Sethi Meera, Sevigny Jordana, Theobald Elli J., and Waugh Jazzmine K. , Climate Change Ecology, Volume 2, p.100008, (2021)
Genomic and transcriptomic resources for candidate gene discovery in the Ranunculids, Arias, Tatiana, Riaño-Pachón Diego Mauricio, and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Applications in Plant Sciences, Volume 9, p.e11407, (2021)
Spontaneous homeotic mutants and genetic control of floral organ identity in a ranunculid, Martínez-Gómez, Jesús, Galimba Kelsey D., Coté Erin Y., Sullivan Alessandra M., and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Evolution & Development, Volume 23, p.197-214, (2021)
Active learning:“Hands-on” meets “minds-on”, Yannier, Nesra, Hudson Scott E., Koedinger Kenneth R., Hirsh-Pasek Kathy, Golinkoff Roberta Michnick, Munakata Yuko, Doebel Sabine, Schwartz Daniel L., Deslauriers Louis, McCarty Logan, et al. , Science, Volume 374, p.26–30, (2021)
Seasonality in Kgalagadi Lizards: Inferences from Legacy Data, Huey, Raymond B., Miles Donald B., and Pianka Eric R. , The American Naturalist, dec, Volume 198, p.759–771, (2021)
Value of models for membrane budding, Lee, Christopher T., Akamatsu Matthew, and Rangamani Padmini , Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Volume 71, p.38–45, (2021)
Ephedra as a gymnosperm evo-devo model lineage, Di Stilio, Verónica S., and Ickert-Bond Stephanie , Evolution & Development, 01/2021, p.e12370, (2021)
Bridging Trade-Offs between Traditional and Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences by Building Student Communication Skills, Identity, and Interest, Burmeister, Alita R., Dickinson Katie, and Graham Mark J. , Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, (2021)
Locomotion and Energetics of Divergent Foraging Strategies in Hummingbirds: A Review, Sargent, A J., Groom D J. E., and Rico-Guevara A , Integrative and Comparative Biology, (2021)
Misinformation in and about science, West, Jevin D., and Bergstrom Carl T. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 118, (2021)
On the relevance of regional collections: a perspective from a recent mammal collection in the heart of the Atlantic Forest hotspot in Brazil, Bissoli-Silva, Heitor, Guerra Edú, Lemes Thamila, Silveira Mattheus, Nascimento Monique do, Leite Yuri, and Costa Leonora , Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy, (2021)
A mechanical model reveals that non-axisymmetric buckling lowers the energy barrier associated with membrane neck constriction, Vasan, R, Rudraraju S, Akamatsu M, Garikipati K, and Rangamani P , Soft matter, Volume 16, p.784–797, (2020)
A new species of the genus Lasioseius (Acari: Blattisociidae) inhabiting litter of secondary rainforest in Sumatra, Indonesia, Quintero-Gutiérrez, Edwin Javier, Sandmann Dorothee, Cómbita-Heredia Orlando, Klarner Bernhard, Widyastuti Rahayu, and Scheu Stefan , Acarologia, Volume 60, p.338–352, (2020)
