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Fields of interest
A macrophage relay for long-distance signaling during postembryonic tissue remodeling, Eom, D. S., and Parichy D. M. , Science, Feb 16, Volume 10.1126/science.aal2745, (2017)
Bumblebee sonication behavior changes with plant species and environmental conditions, Switzer, Callin M., and Combes Stacey A. , Apidologie, Volume 48, p.223, (2017)
Natural exposure of bats in Grenada to rabies virus, Zieger, Ulrike, Cheetham Sonia, Santana Sharlene E., Leiser-Miller Leith, Matthew-Belmar Vanessa, Goharriz Hooman, and Fooks Anthony R. , Infection Ecology & Epidemiology, Volume 7, Issue 1, (2017)
Spatio-temporally separated cortical flows and spindle geometry establish physical asymmetry in fly neural stem cells, Roubinet, Chantal, Tsankova Anna, Pham Tri Thanh, Monnard Arnaud, Caussinus Emmanuel, Affolter Markus, and Cabernard Clemens , Nature Communications, 2017/11/09, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.1383, (2017)
Sleep research goes wild: new methods and approaches to investigate the ecology, evolution and functions of sleep, Rattenborg, Niels C., de la Iglesia Horacio O., Kempenaers Bart, Lesku John A., Meerlo Peter, and Scriba Madeleine F. , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Jul-11-2018, Volume 372, Issue 1734, p.20160251, (2017)
Systems and methods for data analysis, Bergstrom, Carl, Rosvall Martin, Vilhena Daril, West Jevin D., and Torrance Andrew , (2017)
Oil dispersant effectiveness and ecological consequences in San Juan County marine waters, King, William, and Dethier Megan N. , Encyclopedia of Puget Sound, (2017)
Characterizing Auxin Response Circuits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Flow Cytometry, Pierre-Jerome, Edith, R. Wright Clay, and Nemhauser Jennifer L. , Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1497, New York, NY, p.271 - 281, (2016)
The Big City Bachelor, Gretchen., S.B. , Highland's Fourth, Seattle, (2016)
The Tounge-Tied Hunter, Gretchen., S.B. , Christmas Crinkles, Seattle, (2016)
PROCEEDINGS II CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE ACAROLOGIA - Posters and Oral presentations Abstracts IICLAc, Rueda-Ramirez, Diana, Gilberto de Moraes, Carrillo Daniel, and Cómbita-Heredia Orlando , II CLAc. Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarologia, Montenegro, Quindío, Colombia, 27 a 31 de mayo de 2016, (2016)
PROCEEDINGS II CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE ACAROLOGIA - Speakers Proceedings IICLAc, Rueda-Ramirez, Diana, de Moraes Gilberto, Carrillo Daniel, and Cómbita-Heredia Orlando , II CLAc. Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarologia, Montenegro, Quindío, Colombia, 27 a 31 de mayo de 2016, (2016)
How frigate birds soar around the doldrums, Huey, R. B., and Deutsch C. , Science, 07/2016, Volume 353, Issue 6294, p.26 - 27, (2016)
The evolution of cooperation by the Hankshaw effect, Hammarlund, Sarah P., Connelly Brian D., Dickinson Katherine J., and Kerr Benjamin , Evolution, Jan-06-2016, Volume 70, Issue 6, p.1376 - 1385, (2016)
Evaluating Ecological States of Rocky Intertidal Communities: A Best Professional Judgment Exercise., Murray, S.N., and others , Ecological Indicators, Volume 60, (2016)
Survey for Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in North Cascades National Park, Washington, USA, Grummer, Jared A., and Leaché Adam D. , Herpetological Review, 09/2016, Volume 47, Issue 3, (2016)
Publication bias and the canonization of false facts, Nissen, Silas Boye, Magidson Tali, Gross Kevin, and Bergstrom Carl T. , Elife, Volume 5, p.e21451, (2016)
Fragmentation of Rapid Eye Movement and Nonrapid Eye Movement Sleep without Total Sleep Loss Impairs Hippocampus-Dependent Fear Memory Consolidation, Lee, Michael L., Katsuyama Ângela M., Duge Leanne S., Sriram Chaitra, Krushelnytskyy Mykhaylo, Kim Jeansok J., and de la Iglesia Horacio O. , Sleep, Jan-11-2016, Volume 39111193151410472191046521308981069210623416152312941715128114881052113459444722711111813121346, Issue 11, p.2021 - 2031, (2016)
