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Plantas acuáticas de la Orinoquia colombiana.,
, Bogotá, p.656, (2017)
Berman's Chosen,
, Berman's Wolves, Number 2, p.334, (2017)
Restoration of temperate savannas and woodlands,
, Routledge Handbook of Ecological and Environmental Restoration, London, p.142-157, (2017)
Energetics, Particle Capture and Growth Dynamics of Benthic Suspension Feeders,
, Marine Animal Forests: the Ecology of Benthic Biodiversity Hotspots. Rossi S, Bramanti L, Gori A, Orejas C, Tsounis G , Eds. , New York, p.1-42, (2017)
Evolution of facial musculature,
, The Science of Facial Expression, Volume 1, p.133-152, (2017)
Do differences in skull morphology and bite performance explain dietary specialization in sea otters?,
, Journal of Mammalogy, Oct-08-2017, Volume 98, Issue 5, p.1408–1416, (2017)
Myosin efflux promotes cell elongation to coordinate chromosome segregation with cell cleavage,
, Nature Communications, 2017/08/23, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.326, (2017)
Influence of temperature on daily locomotor activity in the crab Uca pugilator,
, PLOS ONE, Feb-04-2019, Volume 12, Issue 4, (2017)
The ICAP Active Learning Framework Predicts the Learning Gains Observed in Intensely Active Classroom Experiences,
, AERA Open, 2017/04/01, Volume 3, Issue 2, p.2332858417708567, (2017)
Cytoplasmic Flow and Mixing Due to Deformation of Motile Cells,
, Biophysical Journal, Volume 113, Issue 9, p.2077 - 2087, (2017)
Learning to swim, again: Axon regeneration in fish,
, Exp Neurol, Jan, Volume 287, p.318-330, (2017)
Establishing and maintaining primary cell cultures derived from the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi,
, The Journal of Experimental Biology, Jan-04-2017, Volume 220, Issue 7, p.1197 - 1201, (2017)
Climate drives phenological reassembly of a mountain wildflower meadow community,
, Ecology, Jan-11-2017, Volume 98, Issue 11, p.2799 - 2812, (2017)
A macrophage relay for long-distance signaling during postembryonic tissue remodeling,
, Science, Feb 16, Volume 10.1126/science.aal2745, (2017)
Bumblebee sonication behavior changes with plant species and environmental conditions,
, Apidologie, Volume 48, p.223, (2017)
Natural exposure of bats in Grenada to rabies virus,
, Infection Ecology & Epidemiology, Volume 7, Issue 1, (2017)
Spatio-temporally separated cortical flows and spindle geometry establish physical asymmetry in fly neural stem cells,
, Nature Communications, 2017/11/09, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.1383, (2017)
Sleep research goes wild: new methods and approaches to investigate the ecology, evolution and functions of sleep,
, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Jul-11-2018, Volume 372, Issue 1734, p.20160251, (2017)