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Fields of interest
Males Under-Estimate Academic Performance of Their Female Peers in Undergraduate Biology Classrooms, Grunspan, Daniel Z., Eddy Sarah L., Brownell Sara E., Wiggins Benjamin L., Crowe Alison J., and Goodreau Steven M. , PLOS ONE, 2016/02/10, Volume 11, Issue 2, p. - , (2016)
Identification and Validation of Small- Gatekeeper Kinases as Drug Targets in Giardia lamblia, Hennessey, Kelly M. , PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11/2016, Volume 10, Issue 11, (2016)
A new therapsid from the Permian Madumabisa Mudstone Formation (Mid-Zambezi Basin) of southern Zambia, Whitney, Megan R., and Sidor Christian A. , Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Volume 36, Issue 4, p.e1150767, (2016)
Temperature extremes: geographic patterns, recent changes, and implications for organismal vulnerabilities, Buckley, Lauren B., and Huey Raymond B. , Global Change Biology, 05/2016, (2016)
Plant synthetic biology for molecular engineering of signalling and development, Nemhauser, Jennifer L., and Torii Keiko U. , Nature Plants, Feb-03-2016, Volume 2, Issue 3, p.16010, (2016)
Shoreline Armoring in an Inland Sea: Science-Based Recommendations for Policy Implementation, Dethier, Megan N., Toft Jason D., and Shipman Hugh , Conservation Letters, Jan-11-2016, (2016)
Partial redundancy and functional specialization of E-class SEPALLATA genes in an early-diverging eudicot, Soza, Valerie L., Snelson Corey D., Hazelton Kristen D. Hewett, and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Developmental Biology, 2016/11/1/, Volume 419, Issue 1, p.143 - 155, (2016)
The Presence of a Functionally Tripartite Through-Gut in Ctenophora Has Implications for Metazoan Character Trait Evolution, Presnell, S., Vandepas E., Warren J., Swalla J., Amemiya T., and Browne E. , Current Biology, Jan-10-2016, Volume 26, Issue 20, p.2814 - 2820, (2016)
Shakers and head bangers: differences in sonication behavior between Australian Amegilla murrayensis (blue-banded bees) and North American Bombus impatiens (bumblebees), Switzer, Callin M., Hogendoorn Katja, Ravi Sridhar, and Combes Stacey A. , Arthropod-Plant Interactions, Volume 10, p.1-8, (2016)
Endothelial Cells Use a Formin-Dependent Phagocytosis-Like Process to Internalize the Bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, Rengarajan, Michelle, Hayer Arnold, and Theriot Julie A. , PLOS Pathogens, Volume 12, Issue 5, p.e1005603, (2016)
Ancestral Sleep, Veeman, Michael T., Axelrod Jeffrey D., Presland R. B., Barnes L., Combes S. A., Daniel T. L., Schubiger Margrit, Tomita Shuichiro, Sung Carl, Robinow Steven, et al. , Current Biology, 01/2016, Volume 26, Issue 7, p.R271 - R272, (2016)
Rare species and aliens: Reconsidering non-native plants in the management of natural areas, Dunwiddie, P.W., and Rogers D. L. , Restoration Ecology, (2016)
Unsupervised decoding of long-term, naturalistic human neural recordings with automated video and audio annotations, Wang, Nancy X. R., Olson Jared Dean, Ojemann Jeffrey George, Rao Rajesh P. N., and Brunton Bingni Wen , Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Volume 10, p.165, (2016)
Circadian rhythms in floral scent emission, Fenske, Myles P., and Imaizumi Takato , Frontiers in Plant Science, (2016)
Applied Science (contributed blurb about applying ecology skills to canoeing), King, William , Science, Volume 354, Issue 6308, p.46, (2016)
Go big or go fish: morphological specializations in carnivorous bats, Santana, Sharlene E., and Cheung Elena , Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 05/2016, Volume 283, Issue 1830, p.20160615, (2016)
Head regeneration in hemichordates is not a strict recapitulation of development, Luttrell, Shawn M., Gotting Kirsten, Ross Eric, Alvarado ánchez, and Swalla Billie J. , Developmental Dynamics, Jan-12-2016, Volume 245, Issue 12, p.1159 - 1175, (2016)
Toxins go viral: phage-encoded lysis releases group B colicins, van Raay, Katrina, and Kerr Benjamin , Environmental Microbiology, 01/2016, Volume 18, Issue 5, p.1308 - 1311, (2016)
As above, so below: Auxin's role in lateral organ development, Taylor-Teeples, Mallorie, Lanctot Amy, and Nemhauser Jennifer L. , Developmental Biology, 01/2016, Volume 419, Issue 1, p.156 - 164, (2016)
