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Fields of interest
Mesophyll-Driven Blade Expansion in Pisum sativum var. argenteum Leaves, Stahlberg, R., Cleland R. E., and Van Volkenburgh E. , American Journal of Plant Sciences, 04/2015, Volume 6, Issue 5, p.14, (2015)
Genetic assignment of large seizures of elephant ivory reveals Africa’s major poaching hotspots., Wasser, Samuel K., Lisa Brown, Mailand Celia, Mondol Samrat, Clark William, Laurie Cathy, and Weir Bruce S. , Science, 07/2015, Volume 349, p.84-87, (2015)
Heterospecific nonalarm vocalizations enhance risk assessment in common mynas, Hubbard, Lilah, King William, Vu Anmy, and Blumstein Daniel T. , Behavioral Ecology, Volume 26, Issue 2, p.632-638, (2015)
Microbiology: Taking the bad with the good, Bergstrom, Carl T., and Kerr Benjamin , Nature, 08/2016, Volume 521, Issue 7553, p.431 - 432, (2015)
Auxin signaling modules regulate maize inflorescence architecture., Shpak, Elena D., Lakeman Michael B., Torii Keiko U., Meyer Neva P., Trinh Kien, Storm Daniel R., Takemaru Ken-Ichi, Yamaguchi Shinji, Lee Young Sik, Zhang Yang, et al. , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 10/2015, Volume 112, Issue 43, (2015)
Global change and local solutions: Tapping the unrealized potential of citizen science for biodiversity research, Theobald, Ellinore J., Ettinger Ailene K., Burgess Hillary K., DeBey Lauren B., Schmidt Natalie R., Froehlich Halley E., Wagner Christian, HilleRisLambers Janneke, Tewksbury Joshua, Harsch Melanie A., et al. , Biological Conservation, Volume 181, p.236–244, (2015)
Marine Protection is needed for Magellanic Penguins based on long-term data, Boersma, P. D., Rebstock G. A., and Garcia-Borboroglu P. , biological Conservation, 2015, Volume 182, (2015)
New tangles in the auxin signaling web, R. Wright, Clay, and Nemhauser Jennifer L. , F1000Prime Reports, Mar-02-2015, Volume 7, (2015)
Identification of an amino acid transporter required to support extreme growth in neurons., Lin, WY, Williams C., Luedke KA, Yan C., Ahn J., Morrison N., Bloomsburg S., Duncan K., Kim C. K., and Parrish J. Z. , Genes and Development, Volume 29, (2015)
Coordinate control of terminal dendrite patterning and dynamics by the membrane protein Raw., Lee, Jiae, Peng Yun, Lin Wen-Yang, and Parrish Jay Z. , Development (Cambridge, England), 2015 Jan 1, Volume 142, Issue 1, p.162-73, (2015)
Untethering the TIR1 auxin receptor from the SCF complex increases its stability and inhibits auxin response., Yu, Hong, Zhang Yi, Moss Britney L., Bargmann Bastiaan O. R., Wang Renhou, Prigge Michael, Nemhauser Jennifer L., and Estelle Mark , Nature plants, 2015 Mar, Volume 1, Issue 3, (2015)
Time-Specific Fear Acts as a Non-Photic Entraining Stimulus of Circadian Rhythms in Rats, Pellman, Blake A., Kim Earnest, Reilly Melissa, Kashima James, Motch Oleksiy, de la Iglesia Horacio O., and Kim Jeansok J. , Scientific Reports, 10/2015, Volume 5, p.14916, (2015)
Climate change tightens a metabolic constraint on marine habitats, Deutsch, C., Ferrel A., Seibel B., Portner H. - O., and Huey R. B. , Science, 06/2015, Volume 348, Issue 6239, p.1132 - 1135, (2015)
Untitled, Bothwell, M. A., Stilwell Geoffrey E., and Weller John , (2015)
Fertile waters for aging research., Wang, Adrienne M., Promislow Daniel E. L., and Kaeberlein Matt , Cell, 2015 Feb 26, Volume 160, Issue 5, p.814-5, (2015)
Undergraduate Leech laboratory protocol. (In prep), Hass, C., and Kennedy ML , (2015)
Cortinarius boulderensis, Ammirati, J. F. , Omphalina, Volume 11, (2015)
Penguins As Marine Sentinels: Building Science and Education Partnerships, Boersam, Dee P. , Penguin Conservation, Volume 19:2, Number, p.published Penguin TAG newsletter, (2015)
Hollownton Homicide, S.B., Gretchen , Anthony Hollownton Series, Volume 1, Seattle, p.234, (2014)
Through the End of the Cretaceous in the Type Locality of the Hell Creek Formation in Montana and Adjacent Areas, Wilson, Gregory P., Clemens William A., Horner John R., and Hartman Joseph H. , Volume 503, (2014)
