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Steroid hormones act transsynaptically within the forebrain to regulate neuronal phenotype and song stereotypy. J Neurosci. 27(44):12045-57.
2007. Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata. Nature. 445(7127):501-5.
2007. Tidal exchange, bivalve grazing, and patterns of primary production in Willapa Bay, Washington, USA. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 341:123-139.
2007. Timing and plasticity of shoaling behaviour in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Animal Behaviour. 74(5):1269-1275.
2007. Transdetermination: Drosophila imaginal disc cells exhibit stem cell-like potency. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 39(6):1105-18%!Transdetermination:Drosophilaimaginaldisccellsexhibitstemcell-likepotency.%@1357-2725.
2007. Using DNA to track the origin of the largest ivory seizure since the 1989 trade ban. Proc Nat Acad Sci. 104(10):--4233.
2007. Vasa expression in a colonial ascidian, Botrylloides violaceus.. Evolution & development. 9(2):165-77.
2007. Zebrafish in the wild: a review of natural history and new notes from the field.. Zebrafish. 4(1):21-40.
2007. Biodiversity & ecosystem functioning: Exploring principles of ecology with agricultural plants. American Biology Teacher. 68(5):285-292.
2006. Biology and conservation status. In Spanish. Conservation strategy of the red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) in the SIRAP-Coffee region and the Cauca valley. :13-40.
2006. Changes in productivity associated with four introduced species: ecosystem transformation of a 'pristine' estuary. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 311:203-215.
2006. .
2006. Contrasting hybridization rates between sympatric three-spined sticklebacks highlight the fragility of reproductive barriers between evolutionarily young species. Molecular Ecology. 15(3):739-52.
2006. Coordination of microtubule and microfilament dynamics by Drosophila Rho1, Spire and Cappuccino. Nat Cell Biol. 8(4):367-76.
2006. Different plant hormones regulate similar processes through largely nonoverlapping transcriptional responses. Cell. 126(3):467-75.
2006. Effects of first trimester binge alcohol exposure on developing white matter in fetal sheep.. Pediatric research. 59(4 Pt 1):560-4.
2006. Evolution of danio pigment pattern development. Heredity. 97(3):200-10.
2006. The evolution of hypsodonty in equids: testing a hypothesis of adaptation. Paleobiology. 32(2):236-258.
2006. Genome-wide analyses identify transcription factors required for proper morphogenesis of Drosophila sensory neuron dendrites.. Genes & development. 20(7):820-35.
2006. Global genetic change tracks global climate warming in Drosophila subobscura. Science. 313:1773-1775.
2006. Habitat associations of estuarine species: Comparisons of intertidal mudflat, seagrass (Zostera marina), and oyster (Crassostrea gigas) habitats. Estuaries and Coasts. 29(6B):1150-1160.
2006. Heat shock protein 60 modified with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine is involved in pancreatic beta-cell death under hyperglycemic conditions.. FEBS letters. 580(9):2311-6.
2006. The hydrodynamic effects of shape and size change during change during reconfiguration of a flexible macroalga. Journal of Experimental Biology. 209(10):1894-1903.
2006. In situ measurements of hydrodynamic forces imposed on Chondrus crispus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 337(2):159-170.
2006. Interspecific comparison of the mechanical properties of mussel byssus. Biological Bulletin. 211(3):263-274.