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Found 1400 results
Tewksbury JJ, Reagan KM, Machnicki NJ, Carlo TA, Haak DC, Peñaloza A L C, Levey DJ.  2008.  Evolutionary ecology of pungency in wild chilies.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105(33):11808-11.
Nechiporuk A, Raible DW.  2008.  FGF-dependent mechanosensory organ patterning in zebrafish.. Science (New York, N.Y.). 320(5884):1774-7.
Paredez AR, Persson S, Ehrhardt DW, Somerville CR.  2008.  Genetic evidence that cellulose synthase activity influences microtubule cortical array organization.. Plant physiology. 147(4):1723-34.
Owens KN, Santos F, Roberts B, Linbo T, Coffin AB, Knisely AJ, Simon JA, Rubel EW, Raible DW.  2008.  Identification of genetic and chemical modulators of zebrafish mechanosensory hair cell death.. PLoS genetics. 4(2):e1000020.
Deutsch CA, Tewksbury JJ, Huey RB, Sheldon KS, Ghalambor CK, Haak DC, Martin PR.  2008.  Impacts of climate warming on terrestrial ectotherms across latitude. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 105:6668–6672.
Deutsch CA, Tewksbury JJ, Huey RB, Sheldon KS, Ghalambor CK, Haak DC, Martin PR.  2008.  Impacts of climate warming on terrestrial ectotherms across latitude.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105(18):6668-72.
Vert G, Walcher CL, Chory J, Nemhauser JL.  2008.  Integration of auxin and brassinosteroid pathways by Auxin Response Factor 2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(28):9829-34.
Stumpff J, von Dassow G, Wagenbach M, Asbury C, Wordeman L.  2008.  The kinesin-8 motor Kif18A suppresses kinetochore movements to control mitotic chromosome alignment.. Developmental cell. 14(2):252-62.
Martin PR, Tewksbury JJ.  2008.  Latitudinal variation in subspecific diversification of birds.. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution. 62(11):2775-88.
Buckley LB, Jetz W.  2008.  Linking global turnover of species and environments.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105(46):17836-41.
Buckley LB.  2008.  Linking traits to energetics and population dynamics to predict lizard ranges in changing environments.. The American naturalist. 171(1):E1-E19.
Brown FD, Prendergast A, Swalla BJ.  2008.  Man is but a worm: chordate origins. Genesis. 46(11):605-13.
Herring SW.  2008.  Mechanical influences on suture development and patency. Craniofacial Sutures-Development, Disease and Treatment. 12:41-56.
Jiang X, Lautermilch NJ, Watari H, Westenbroek RE, Scheuer T, Catterall WA.  2008.  Modulation of CaV2.1 channels by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II bound to the C-terminal domain.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105(1):341-6.
Ross JA, Peichel CL.  2008.  Molecular cytogenetic evidence of rearrangements on the Y chromosome of the threespine stickleback fish. Genetics. 179(4):2173-82.
Yasuhara JC, Wakimoto BT.  2008.  Molecular landscape of modified histones in Drosophila heterochromatic genes and euchromatin-heterochromatin transition zones.. 4(1)
Damschen EI, Brudvig LA, Haddad NM, Levey DJ, Orrock JL, Tewksbury JJ.  2008.  The movement ecology and dynamics of plant communities in fragmented landscapes.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105(49):19078-83.
Carrington E.  2008.  Mussel attachment on rocky shores: the effect of flow on byssus. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 48(6):801-807.
Grunbaum D, Chan K, Tobin E, Nishizaki MT.  2008.  Non-linear advection-diffusion equations approximate swarming but not schooling populations. Mathematical Biosciences. 214(1-2):38-48.
Herring SW, Rafferty KL, Liu ZJ, Sun Z.  2008.  A nonprimate model for the fused symphysis: in vivo studies in the pig. Primate Craniofacial Function and Biology. :19-37.
Sizemore M, Perkel DJ.  2008.  Noradrenergic and GABA B receptor activation differentially modulate inputs to the premotor nucleus RA in zebra finches. J Neurophysiol. 100(1):8-18.
Gale SD, Person AL, Perkel DJ.  2008.  A novel basal ganglia pathway forms a loop linking a vocal learning circuit with its dopaminergic input. J Comp Neurol. 508(5):824-39.
Person AL, Gale SD, Farries MA, Perkel DJ.  2008.  Organization of the songbird basal ganglia, including area X. J Comp Neurol. 508(5):840-66.
Boersma DP.  2008.  Penguins as marine sentinels. 58(7):--607.
Brenowitz EA.  2008.  Plasticity of the song control system in adult birds. Neuroscience of birdsong. :332-349.
