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Gu Y, Deng Z, Paredez AR, DeBolt S, Wang Z-Y, Somerville C.  2008.  Prefoldin 6 is required for normal microtubule dynamics and organization in Arabidopsis.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105(46):18064-9.
Tewksbury JJ, Huey RB, Deutsch CA.  2008.  Putting the heat on tropical animals. Science. 320:1296-1297.
Cooper JL, Greene EA, Till BJ, Codomo CA, Wakimoto BT, Henikoff S.  2008.  Retention of induced mutations in a Drosophila reverse-genetic resource.. 180(1):--667.
Kitano J, Bolnick DI, Beauchamp DA, Mazur MM, Mori S, Nakano T, Peichel CL.  2008.  Reverse evolution of armor plates in the threespine stickleback. Current Biology. 18(10):769-74.
Kanaoka MM, Pillitteri LJ, Fujii H, Yoshida Y, Bogenschutz NL, Takabayashi J, Zhu JK, Torii KU.  2008.  SCREAM/ICE1 and SCREAM2 specify three cell-state transitional steps leading to arabidopsis stomatal differentiation. Plant Cell. 20(7):1775-85.
McClure KD, Schubiger G.  2008.  A screen for genes that function in leg disc regeneration in Drosophila melanogaster. Mech Dev. 125(1-2):67-80%82008Jan-Feb%!AscreenforgenesthatfunctioninlegdiscregenerationinDrosophilamelanogaster.%@0925-4773.
Engeszer RE, Wang G, Ryan MJ, Parichy DM.  2008.  Sex-specific perceptual spaces for a vertebrate basal social aggregative behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(3):929-33.
Maimon G, Straw AD, Dickinson MH.  2008.  A simple vision-based algorithm for decision making in flying Drosophila. Current Biology. 18(6):464-470.
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McClure KD, Sustar A, Schubiger G.  2008.  Three genes control the timing, the site and the size of blastema formation in Drosophila. Dev Biol. 319(1):68-77%8Jul%!Threegenescontrolthetiming,thesiteandthesizeofblastemaformationinDrosophila.%@1095-564X.
McClure KD, Sustar A, Schubiger G.  2008.  Three genes control the timing, the site and the size of blastema formation in Drosophila.. Developmental biology. 319(1):68-77.
Wirojanan J, Kraff J, Hawkins DS, Laird C, Gane LW, Angkustsiri K, Tassone F, Hagerman RJ.  2008.  Two boys with fragile X syndrome and hepatic tumors. Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology. 30(3):239-241.
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Gyoja F, Satou Y, Shin-i T, Kohara Y, Swalla BJ, Satoh N.  2007.  Analysis of large scale expression sequenced tags (ESTs) from the anural ascidian, Molgula tectiformis.. Developmental biology. 307(2):460-82.
O'Donnell S, Lattke J, Powell S, Kaspari M.  2007.  Army ants in four forests: geographic variation in raid rates and species composition. 76(3):--589.
Bemis SM, Torii KU.  2007.  Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis. Dev Biol. 304(1):367-81.
Ruesink JL.  2007.  Biotic resistance and facilitation of a non-native oyster on rocky shores. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 331:1-9.
Pillitteri LJ, Torii KU.  2007.  Breaking the silence: three bHLH proteins direct cell-fate decisions during stomatal development. Bioessays. 29(9):861-70.
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Smith MK, Wakimoto BT.  2007.  Complex regulation and multiple developmental functions of misfire, the Drosophila melanogaster ferlin gene.. 7
