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Anatomy of a songbird basal ganglia circuit essential for vocal learning and plasticity. J Chem Neuroanat. 39(2):124-31.
Submitted. A basal ganglia pathway drives selective auditory responses in songbird dopaminergic neurons via disinhibition. J Neurosci. 30(3):1027-37.
Submitted. Climate determines upper, but not lower, altitudinal range limits of Pacific Northwest conifers. . Ecology.
Submitted. The complete mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of a novel haptophyte, Chrysochromulina tobin, reveal unique repeat architectures, and evolutionary signatures. submitted:BMC Genomics.
Submitted. Effects of progressively increasing mid-latitude forest area on global energy transport, clouds, and tropical precipitation.. Geophysical Research Letters.
Submitted. Elk (Cervus elaphus) exclusion alters plant successional trajectories in the Mount St. Helens blast zone. American Midland Naturalist.
Submitted. Gender gaps in achievement and participation in multiple introductory biology classrooms. CBE-LIfe Science Education.
Submitted. Improving Gene Targeting Efficiency In Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Primary and Stem Cells: Gene Transfer Technologies and Applications.
Submitted. .
Submitted. A large carnivorous mammal from the Late Cretaceous and the North American origin of marsupials. Nature Communications.
Submitted. Large contribution of forests to carbon sink through continental silicate weathering. Environmental Science & Technology.
Submitted. Light environment and epidermal cell morphology in grasses. International Journal of Plant Sciences.
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Submitted. The postcranial skeleton of Yanoconodon allini from the Early Cretaceous of Hebei, China and its implications for locomotor adaptation in eutriconodontan mammals.. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
Submitted. Quasi-static Eocene-Oligocene climate in Patagonia promotes slow faunal evolution and mid-Cenozoic global cooling. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Submitted. Reconstruction of the recent ethnological and environmental history of the mountainous area of the Catalan Coast (Iberian Peninsula), using macro- and micro-contents from ovicaprine animal dung. Environmental Archaeology.
Submitted. Regional-scale variability in the spread of grasslands in the late Miocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
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In Press.
Evolution of morphological traits in Verbenaceae. American Journal of Botany.
In Press. Focal Defects in Single-Celled Tubes Mutant for Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 3, GCKIII, or NSF2. Developmental Cell. 25(5)
In Press. Investigating the evolution of Lantaneae (Verbenaceae) using multiple loci. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society.
In Press. Islands in the stream: kelp detritus as faunal magnets. Marine Biology.
In Press. Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus). Penguins: Natural History and Conservation.
In Press.