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Found 1398 results
Klebes A, Sustar A, Kechris K, Li H, Schubiger G, Kornberg TB.  2005.  Regulation of cellular plasticity in Drosophila imaginal disc cells by the Polycomb group, trithorax group and lama genes. Development. 132(16):3753-65%8Aug%!RegulationofcellularplasticityinDrosophilaimaginaldisccellsbythePolycombgroup,trithoraxgroupand.
Klebes A, Sustar A, Kechris K, Li H, Schubiger G, Kornberg TB.  2005.  Regulation of cellular plasticity in Drosophila imaginal disc cells by the Polycomb group, trithorax group and lama genes.. Development (Cambridge, England). 132(16):3753-65.
Raffaelli D, Cardinale BJ, Downing AL, Engelhardt KAM, Ruesink JL, Solan M, Srivastava DS.  2005.  Reinventing the wheel in ecology research? Response Science. 307(5717):1875-1876.
Magie CR, Parkhurst SM.  2005.  Rho1 regulates signaling events required for proper Drosophila embryonic development. Dev Biol. 278(1):144-54.
Solis MM, Perkel DJ.  2005.  Rhythmic activity in a forebrain vocal control nucleus in vitro. J Neurosci. 25(11):2811-22.
Park KH, Meitzen J, Moore IT, Brenowitz EA, Perkel DJ.  2005.  Seasonal-like plasticity of spontaneous firing rate in a songbird pre-motor nucleus. J Neurobiol. 64(2):181-91.
Dethier MN, Williams SL, Freeman A.  2005.  Seaweeds under stress: manipulated stress and herbivory affect critical life history functions. . Ecological Monographs. 75
Nishizaki MT, Ackerman JD.  2005.  A secondary chemical cue facilitates juvenile-adult postsettlement associations in red sea urchins. Limnology and Oceanography. 50(1):354-362.
Shpak ED, McAbee JM, Pillitteri LJ, Torii KU.  2005.  Stomatal patterning and differentiation by synergistic interactions of receptor kinases. Science. 309(5732):290-3.
Sustar A, Schubiger G.  2005.  A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency. Cell. 120(3):383-93%8Feb%!AtransientcellcycleshiftinDrosophilaimaginaldisccellsprecedesmultipotency.%@0092-8674.
Sustar A, Schubiger G.  2005.  A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency.. Cell. 120(3):383-93.
Sustar A, Schubiger G.  2005.  A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency.. Cell. 120(3):383-93.
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Buckley LB, Roughgarden J.  2004.  Biodiversity conservation: effects of changes in climate and land use.. Nature. 430(6995):2pfollowing33;discussionfollowing33.
Nemhauser JL, Chory J.  2004.  BRing it on: new insights into the mechanism of brassinosteroid action. J Exp Bot. 55(395):265-70.
Noonan JP, Grimwood J, Danke J, Schmutz J, Dickson M, Amemiya CT, Myers RM.  2004.  Coelacanth genome sequence reveals the evolutionary history of vertebrate genes. Genome Res. 14(12):2397-2405.
Marchinko KB, Nishizaki MT, Burns KC.  2004.  Community-wide character displacement in barnacles: a new perspective for past observations. Ecology Letters. 7(2):114-120.
Heidelberg KB, Sebens KP, Purcell JE.  2004.  Composition and sources of near reef zooplankton on a Jamaican forereef along with implications for coral feeding. Coral Reefs. 23(2):263-276.
Ackerman JD, Nishizaki MT.  2004.  The effect of velocity on the suspension feeding and growth of the marine mussels Mytilus trossulus and M-californianus: implications for niche separation. Journal of Marine Systems. 49(1-4):195-207.
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Quigley IK.  2004.  Evolutionary diversification of pigment pattern in Danio fishes: differential fms dependence and stripe loss in D. albolineatus. Development. 132(1):89-104.
Solan M, Cardinale BJ, Downing AL, Engelhardt KAM, Ruesink JL, Srivastava DS.  2004.  Extinction and ecosystem function in the marine benthos. Science. 306(5699):1177-1180.
ı́a ı́aGuadalupe, Toney SJohnson, Hille MB.  2004.  Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) expression and phosphorylation in sea urchin embryos. Gene Expression Patterns. 4(2):223-234.
Shapiro MD, Marks ME, Peichel CL, Blackman BK, Nereng KS, Jónsson B, Schluter D, Kingsley DM.  2004.  Genetic and developmental basis of evolutionary pelvic reduction in threespine sticklebacks. Nature. 428(6984):717-23.
