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Interaction of auxin and ERECTA in elaborating Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture revealed by the activation tagging of a new member of the YUCCA family putative flavin monooxygenases. Plant Physiol. 139(1):192-203.
2005. Introduction of non-native oysters: Ecosystem effects and restoration implications. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics. 36:643-689.
2005. .
2005. Mammalian faunal dynamics during the last 1.8 million years of the Cretaceous in Garfield County, Montana. Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 12(1/2):53-76.
2005. The Molecular Systematics of Rhododendron (Ericaceae): A Phylogeny based upon RPB2 gene sequences. Systematic Botany. 30(3):616-626.
2005. Mutations in CAX1 produce phenotypes characteristic of plants tolerant to serpentine soils. 167(1):-88.
2005. Phenotypic plasticity to light competition and herbivory in Chenopodium album (Chenopodiaceae). American Journal of Botany.
2005. Physical factors vs. biotic resistance in controlling the invasion of an estuarine marsh grass. . Ecological Applications. 15
2005. A population-epigenetic model to infer site-specific methylation rates from double-stranded DNA methylation patterns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102(16):5802-5807.
2005. Regulation of cellular plasticity in Drosophila imaginal disc cells by the Polycomb group, trithorax group and lama genes. Development. 132(16):3753-65%8Aug%!RegulationofcellularplasticityinDrosophilaimaginaldisccellsbythePolycombgroup,trithoraxgroupand.
2005. Regulation of cellular plasticity in Drosophila imaginal disc cells by the Polycomb group, trithorax group and lama genes.. Development (Cambridge, England). 132(16):3753-65.
2005. Reinventing the wheel in ecology research? Response Science. 307(5717):1875-1876.
2005. Rho1 regulates signaling events required for proper Drosophila embryonic development. Dev Biol. 278(1):144-54.
2005. Rhythmic activity in a forebrain vocal control nucleus in vitro. J Neurosci. 25(11):2811-22.
2005. Seasonal-like plasticity of spontaneous firing rate in a songbird pre-motor nucleus. J Neurobiol. 64(2):181-91.
2005. Seaweeds under stress: manipulated stress and herbivory affect critical life history functions. . Ecological Monographs. 75
2005. A secondary chemical cue facilitates juvenile-adult postsettlement associations in red sea urchins. Limnology and Oceanography. 50(1):354-362.
2005. Stomatal patterning and differentiation by synergistic interactions of receptor kinases. Science. 309(5732):290-3.
2005. A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency. Cell. 120(3):383-93%8Feb%!AtransientcellcycleshiftinDrosophilaimaginaldisccellsprecedesmultipotency.%@0092-8674.
2005. A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency.. Cell. 120(3):383-93.
2005. A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency.. Cell. 120(3):383-93.
2005. Unitary IPSPs drive precise thalamic spiking in a circuit required for learning. Neuron. 46(1):129-40.
2005. .
2005. Biodiversity conservation: effects of changes in climate and land use.. Nature. 430(6995):2pfollowing33;discussionfollowing33.
2004. BRing it on: new insights into the mechanism of brassinosteroid action. J Exp Bot. 55(395):265-70.