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Allele substitution at a flower colour locus produces a pollinator shift in monkeyflowers. 426(6963):-178.
2003. Behavioral drive versus behavioral inertia: a null model approach. American Naturalist. 161:357-366.
2003. Colonization and connectivity of habitat patches for coastal marine species distant from source populations. . Conservation Biology . 17
2003. Complex patterns of gene duplication in the APETALA3 and PISTILLATA lineages of the Ranunculaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 164(1):1-11.
2003. Components of reproductive isolation between the monkeyflowers Mimulus lewisii and M-cardinalis (Phrymaceae). 57(7):-1534.
2003. Contributions of coastal and watershed energy sources to secondary production in a Northeastern Pacific estuary. Estuaries. 26(4B):1079-1093.
2003. Dominant-negative receptor uncovers redundancy in the Arabidopsis ERECTA Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase signaling pathway that regulates organ shape. Plant Cell. 15(5):1095-110.
2003. Essential role for puma in development of postembryonic neural crest-derived cell lineages in zebrafish. Dev Biol. 256(2):221-41.
2003. FKF1 is essential for photoperiodic-specific light signalling in Arabidopsis. Nature. 426(6964):302-6.
2003. Foraging strategies by one provisioned group of brown capuchin (Cebus apella) in Tinigua National park. In Spanish. Primatology of New World: biology, medicine, management, and conservation. :136-146.
2003. The necessity for intertidal foraging by estuarine populations of subadult Dungeness crab, Cancer magister: Evidence from a bioenergetics model. Estuaries. 26(4B):1155-1173.
2003. A Role for Isothiocyanates in Plant Resistance Against the Specialist Herbivore Pieris rapae. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 29(6):1403-15
2003. Temporal and cellular requirements for Fms signaling during zebrafish adult pigment pattern development. Development. 130(5):817-33.
2003. Zebrafish puma mutant decouples pigment pattern and somatic metamorphosis. Developmental Biology. 256(2):242-257.
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Impacts of trampling on a rocky shoreline of San Juan Island, Washington, USA. Natural Areas Journal. 22(4):260-269.
2002. Mass-balance analyses of boreal forest population cycles: Merging demographic and ecosystem approaches. Ecosystems. 5(2):138-158.
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2002. Fecal glucocorticoid assays and the physiological stress response in elk. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 29(3):--907.
2001. The genetic architecture of divergence between threespine stickleback species. Nature. 414(6866):901-5.
2001. Growth and persistence of diverse intertidal crusts: survival of the slow in a fast-paced world. 223:--100.
2001. Incorporating human and ecological communities in marine conservation: An alternative to Zacharias and Roff. Conservation Biology. 15(5):1452-1455.
2001. Jellyfish blooms: are populations increasing globally in response to changing ocean conditions? Hydrobiologia. 451:55-68.
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