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Decoupled taxonomic radiation and ecological expansion of open-habitat grasses in the Cenozoic of North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States of America. 102(34):11980-11984.
2005. Defective skeletogenesis with kidney stone formation in dwarf zebrafish mutant for trpm7. Curr Biol. 15(7):667-71.
2005. Developmental analysis and squamous morphogenesis of the peripodial epithelium in Drosophila imaginal discs. Development. 132(22):5033-42%8Nov%!DevelopmentalanalysisandsquamousmorphogenesisoftheperipodialepitheliuminDrosophilaimaginaldiscs.%.
2005. Dinosaur coprolites and the early evolution of grasses and grazers. Science. 310:1177-1180.
2005. Dynamics of stomatal patches for a single surface of Xanthium strumarium L. leaves observed with fluorescence and thermal images. 28(5):--641WileyOnlineLibrary.
2005. Electrophysiological properties of neurons in the basal ganglia of the domestic chick: conservation and divergence in the evolution of the avian basal ganglia. J Neurophysiol. 94(1):454-67.
2005. Evidence for "direct" and "indirect" pathways through the song system basal ganglia. J Comp Neurol. 484(1):93-104.
2005. Evolution of heterochromatic genes of Drosophila.. 102(31):--10963.
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2005. Fishing for the secrets of vertebrate evolution in threespine sticklebacks. Developmental Dynamics. 234(4):815-23.
2005. FKF1 F-box protein mediates cyclic degradation of a repressor of CONSTANS in Arabidopsis. Science. 309(5732):293-7.
2005. Floral MADS box genes and homeotic gender dimorphism in Thalictrum dioicum (Ranunculaceae) - a new model for the study of dioecy. Plant Journal. 41(5):755-766.
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2005. Genetic interactions between Cdk1-CyclinB and the Separase complex in Drosophila. Development. 132(8):1875-84%8Apr%!GeneticinteractionsbetweenCdk1-CyclinBandtheSeparasecomplexinDrosophila.%@0950-1991.
2005. Global analysis of factors affecting the outcome of freshwater fish introductions. Conservation Biology. 19(6):1883-1893.
2005. Hemimethylation and non-CpG methylation levels in a promoter region of human LINE-1 (L1) repeated elements. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280(15):14413-14419.
2005. High and dry: variation in net photosynthesis of the intertidal seaweed, Fucus gardneri. . Ecology. 86
2005. Hypoxia, global warming, and terrestrial Late Permian extinctions. Science. 308:398-401.
2005. Interaction of auxin and ERECTA in elaborating Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture revealed by the activation tagging of a new member of the YUCCA family putative flavin monooxygenases. Plant Physiol. 139(1):192-203.
2005. Introduction of non-native oysters: Ecosystem effects and restoration implications. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics. 36:643-689.
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2005. Mammalian faunal dynamics during the last 1.8 million years of the Cretaceous in Garfield County, Montana. Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 12(1/2):53-76.
2005. The Molecular Systematics of Rhododendron (Ericaceae): A Phylogeny based upon RPB2 gene sequences. Systematic Botany. 30(3):616-626.
2005. Mutations in CAX1 produce phenotypes characteristic of plants tolerant to serpentine soils. 167(1):-88.
2005. Phenotypic plasticity to light competition and herbivory in Chenopodium album (Chenopodiaceae). American Journal of Botany.