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Fields of interest
Integrative model of Drosophila flight, Suver, M., Mamiya A., and Dickinson M. H. , Current Biology, 2008, Volume 22, p.2294-2302, (2012)
Fine structural organization of the hemiellipsoid body of the land hermit crab, Coenobita clypeatus, Brown, Sheena, and Wolff Gabriella , The Journal of Comparative Neurology, Jan/2012, Volume 520, Issue 13, p.2847 - 2863, (2012)
Developmental expression of Drosophila Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome family proteins., Rodriguez-Mesa, Evelyn, Abreu-Blanco Maria Teresa, Rosales-Nieves Alicia E., and Parkhurst Susan M. , Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists, 2012 Mar, Volume 241, Issue 3, p.608-26, (2012)
Footprints of climate change in US national park visitation., Buckley, Lauren B., and Foushee Madison S. , International journal of biometeorology, 2012 Nov, Volume 56, Issue 6, p.1173-7, (2012)
Evaluation of circulating eosinophil count and adrenal gland function in California sea lions naturally exposed to domoic acid, Gulland, F., Hall AJ, Greig D., Frame E., Colegrove K., Booth RK, Wasser S. K., and Scott-Moncrieff JC , Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, Volume 241, Issue 7, p.943-949, (2012)
Inversion of dominance-diversity relationships along a latitudinal stress gradient, Richardson, P. J., MacDougall A. S., Stanley A. G., Kaye T. N., and Dunwiddie P. W. , Ecology, Volume 93, (2012)
Cytokinesis in Drosophila melanogaster., Cabernard, Clemens , Cytoskeleton (Hoboken, N.J.), 2012 Oct, Volume 69, Issue 10, p.791-809, (2012)
A living fossil in the genome of a living fossil: Harbinger transposons in the coelacanth genome., Smith, Jeramiah J., Sumiyama Kenta, and Amemiya Chris T. , Molecular biology and evolution, 2012 Mar, Volume 29, Issue 3, p.985-93, (2012)
Long-term, High-resolution Confocal Time Lapse Imaging of Arabidopsis Cotyledon Epidermis during Germination, Peterson, Kylee M., and Torii Keiko U. , The Journal of Visualized Experiments, 12/2012, Issue 70, (2012)
Habitat and bathymetry influence the landscape-scale distribution and abundance of drift macrophytes and associated invertebrates, Britton-Simmons, Kevin H., Rhoades Alison L., Pacunski Robert E., Galloway Aaron W. E., Lowe Alexander T., Sosik Elizabeth A., Dethier Megan N., and Duggins David O. , Limnology and Oceanography, 2012, Volume 57, Issue 1, p.176 - 184, (2012)
Factors influencing degradation of DNA and hormones in maned wolf scat, Vynne, C., Baker MR, Breuer CK, and Wasser S. K. , Animal Conservation, Volume 15, p.184-194, (2012)
Alouatta seniculus: density, home range and group structure in a bamboo forest fragment in the Colombian Andes, Gómez-Posada, C., and Londoño JM , Folia Primatologica, Volume 83, p.56-65, (2012)
Mechanisms of stomatal development., Pillitteri, Lynn Jo, and Torii Keiko U. , Annual review of plant biology, 2012 Jun 2, Volume 63, p.591-614, (2012)
An endogenous carbon-sensing pathway triggers increased auxin flux and hypocotyl elongation., Lilley, Jodi Stewart L., Gee Christopher W., Sairanen Ilkka, Ljung Karin, and Nemhauser Jennifer L. , Plant physiology, 2012 Dec, Volume 160, Issue 4, p.2261-70, (2012)
Consumers mediate natural variation between prey richness and resource use in a benthic marine community, Elahi, Robin, and Sebens Kenneth P. , Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2012, Volume 452, p.131-143, (2012)
Preference Alters Consumptive Effects of Predators: Top- Down Effects of a Native Crab on a System of Native and Introduced Prey, Sweedler, Jonathan V., Grason Emily W., and Sane Sanjay P. , PLoSONE, 12/2012, Volume 7, Issue 12, (2012)
Disentangling thermal preference and the thermal dependence of movement in ectotherms, Dillon, Michael E., Liu Rongsong, Wang George, and Huey Raymond B. , Journal of Thermal Biology, 12/2012, Volume 37, Issue 8, p.631 - 639, (2012)
Biphasic clearance of incompatible red blood cells through a novel mechanism requiring neither complement nor Fcγ receptors in a murine model., JS, Liepkalns, EA Hod, S Stowell, CM Cadwell, SL Spitalnik, and JC Zimring , Transfusion, Volume 52, Issue 12, (2012)
Dietary hardness, loading behavior and the evolution of skull form in bats, Santana, S. E., Grosse I. R., and Dumont E. R. , Evolution, 08/2012, Volume 66, Issue 8, p.2587 - 2598, (2012)
Loss of deeply conserved C-class floral homeotic gene function and C- and E-class protein interaction in a double-flowered ranunculid mutant., Galimba, Kelsey D., Tolkin Theadora R., Sullivan Alessandra M., Melzer Rainer, Theißen Günter, and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012 Aug 21, Volume 109, Issue 34, p.E2267-75, (2012)
