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Fields of interest
Degrading detritus: changes in food quality of aging kelp tissue varies with species., Dethier, M.N., Brown A.S., Burgess S., Eisenlord M.E., Galloway A. W. E., Kimber J., Lowe A. T., O'Neil C.M., Raymond W.W., Sosik E. A., et al. , J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., Volume 460, (2014)
Assessing the relationships of the Hell Creek–Fort Union contact, Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, and Chicxulub impact ejecta horizon at the Hell Creek Formation lectostratotype, Montana, USA, Moore, Jason R., Wilson Gregory P., Sharma Mukul, Hallock Hannah R., Braman Dennis R., and Renne Paul R. , Geological Society of America Special Papers, Volume 503, p.123–135, (2014)
Invariance and plasticity in the Drosophila melanogaster metabolomic network in response to temperature., Hariharan, Ramkumar, Hoffman Jessica M., Thomas Ariel S., Soltow Quinlyn A., Jones Dean P., and Promislow Daniel E. L. , BMC systems biology, 2014 Dec 24, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.2, (2014)
Temperature and water flow influence feeding behavior and success in the barnacle Balanus glandula, Nishizaki, M. T., and Carrington E. , Marine Ecology Progress Series, 07/2014, Volume 507, p.207 - 218, (2014)
Extensive gene flow characterizes the phylogeography of a North American migrant bird: Black headed Grosbeak (Pheuticus melanocephalus), van Els, P., Spellman G. M., Smith B. T., and Klicka J. , Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution , September 2014, Volume 78, (2014)
BioCore Guide: A tool for interpreting the core concepts of Vision and Change for biology majors, Brownell, S. E., Freeman S., Wenderoth M. P., and Crowe A. J. , CBE-Life Science Education, summer 2014, Volume 13, (2014)
Environmental correlates of growth and stable isotopes in intertidal species along an estuarine fjord. , Ruesink, J. L., A.C Trimble, Berry H., Sprenger A. G., and Dethier M. N. , Estuaries and Coasts, Volume 37, (2014)
The origin and early evolution of metatherian mammals, Williamson, T. E., Brusatte S. L., and Wilson G. P. , ZooKeys, Volume 465, (2014)
Active learning improves student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics, Freeman, Scott R., Eddy Sarah L., McDonough Miles, Smith Michelle K., Okoroafor Ndozie, Jordt Hannah, and Wenderoth Mary Pat , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 05/2014, Volume 111, Issue 23, (2014)
Tapinocephalids (Therapsida: Dinocephalia) from the Permian Madumabisa Mudstone Formation (Lower Karoo, Mid-Zambezi Basin) of southern Zambia, Sidor, C. A., Angielczyk K. D., Smith R. M. H., Goulding A. K., Nesbitt S. J., Peecook B. R., Steyer J. S., and Tolan S. , Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Volume 34, Number 4, p.980–986, (2014)
Phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic genus Holocheila (Lamiaceae) inferred from plastid DNA sequences. , Chen, Y. - P., Li B., Olmstead R. G., Cantino P. D., Liu E. - D., and Xiang C. - L. , Taxon, 2014, Volume 63, p.355-366, (2014)
Recapitulation of the forward nuclear auxin response pathway in yeast., Pierre-Jerome, Edith, Jang Seunghee S., Havens Kyle A., Nemhauser Jennifer L., and Klavins Eric , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014 Jul 1, Volume 111, Issue 26, p.9407-12, (2014)
Climate change increases reproductive failure in Magellanic penguins, Boersma, P. D., and Rebstock G. A. , Plos One, (2014)
Thyroid hormone-dependent adult pigment cell lineage and pattern in zebrafish., McMenamin, Sarah K., Bain Emily J., McCann Anna E., Patterson Larissa B., Eom Dae Seok, Waller Zachary P., Hamill James C., Kuhlman Julie A., Eisen Judith S., and Parichy David M. , Science (New York, N.Y.), 2014 Sep 12, Volume 345, Issue 6202, p.1358-61, (2014)
The ctenophore genome and the evolutionary origins of neural systems., Moroz, Leonid L., Kocot Kevin M., Citarella Mathew R., Dosung Sohn, Norekian Tigran P., Povolotskaya Inna S., Grigorenko Anastasia P., Dailey Christopher, Berezikov Eugene, Buckley Katherine M., et al. , Nature, 2014 Jun 5, Volume 510, Issue 7503, p.109-14, (2014)
{Comparison of the structure and composition of the branchial filters in suspension feeding elasmobranchs.}, Misty Paig-Tran, E. W., and Summers A. P. , Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007), Volume 297, Number 4, p.701–715, (2014)
Looping circuit: a novel mechanism for prolonged spontaneous [Ca2+]i increases in developing embryonic mouse brainstem, Watari, Hirofumi, Tose Amanda J., and Bosma Martha M. , Journal of Physiology, 1/2014, Volume 592, p.727, (2014)
Identification of obscure yet conserved actin associated proteins in Giardia lamblia., Paredez, Alexander R., Nayeri Arash, Xu Jennifer W., Krtková Jana, and Cande Zacheus W. , Eukaryotic cell, 2014 Apr 11, (2014)
Annual species in native prairies of South Puget Sound, Washington, Dunwiddie, P.W., Alverson E.R., Martin R.A., and Gilbert R. , Northwest Science, Volume 88, Issue 2, (2014)
Physiological implications of landscape use by free-ranging maned wolves in Brazil, Vynne, CR, Booth RK, and Wasser S. K. , Journal of Mammology, Volume 95, Issue 4, (2014)
