The mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of the haptophyte Chrysochromulina tobin contain unique repeat structures and gene profiles
Submitted by Chloe-Deodato on
Submitted by Chloe-Deodato on
Submitted by Chloe-Deodato on
Submitted by Shawn-Luttrell on
Submitted by Jennifer-Nemhau... on
Submitted by Chloe-Deodato on
Our program seeks to determine how cells and tissues integrate chemical and mechanical information to guide normal growth and homeostasis with the ultimate goal of being able to guide these processes with small molecules for therapeutic purposes. To do this, our core research is focused on fundamental biomedical discovery, using genetic, biochemical, and cell biophysical approaches and small molecule screening with the model organism Dictyostelium discoideum. Initially, we focused heavily on cytokinesis as a model cell morphogenic event. Cytokinesis naturally enca