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A conserved morphogenetic mechanism for epidermal ensheathment of nociceptive sensory neurites

Jiang N, Rasmussen JP, Clanton JA, Rosenberg MF, Luedke KP, Cronan MR, Parker ED, Kim H-J, Vaughan JC, Sagasti A et al..  2019.  A conserved morphogenetic mechanism for epidermal ensheathment of nociceptive sensory neurites. Elife. 8

Sleep research goes wild: new methods and approaches to investigate the ecology, evolution and functions of sleep

Rattenborg NC, de la Iglesia HO, Kempenaers B, Lesku JA, Meerlo P, Scriba MF.  2017.  Sleep research goes wild: new methods and approaches to investigate the ecology, evolution and functions of sleep. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 372(1734):20160251.

Sleepmore in Seattle: Later school start times are associated with more sleep and better performance in high school students

Dunster GP, de la Iglesia L, Ben-Hamo M, Nave C, Fleischer JG, Panda S, de la Iglesia HO.  2018.  Sleepmore in Seattle: Later school start times are associated with more sleep and better performance in high school students. Science Advances. 4(12):eaau6200.

Kisspeptin Neurons in the Arcuate Nucleus of the Hypothalamus Orchestrate Circadian Rhythms and Metabolism

Padilla SL, Perez JG, Ben-Hamo M, Johnson CW, Sanchez REA, Bussi IL, Palmiter RD, de la Iglesia HO.  2019.  Kisspeptin Neurons in the Arcuate Nucleus of the Hypothalamus Orchestrate Circadian Rhythms and Metabolism. Current Biology.

Scent matters: differential contribution of scent to insect response in flowers with insect vs. wind pollination traits

Wang TN, Clifford MR, Martínez-Gómez J, Johnson JC, Riffell JA, Di Stilio VS.  2018.  Scent matters: differential contribution of scent to insect response in flowers with insect vs. wind pollination traits. Annals of Botany.

The ecology and sensory biology of the world’s most dangerous animal

Organismal sensory systems mediate a variety of critical ecological processes, including reproduction, foraging, and disease development. Behavior ultimately controls many of these interactions, but rarely do ecological studies consider the behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying those interactions. Conversely, evolution has sculpted sensory systems based on their ecological environment, but many neurobiological studies often lack a natural history framework. Here, in this talk, I will focus our recent work on the Aedes aegypti mosquito, an important disease vector.

The cell biology and mechanics of asymmetric cell division

The human body contains ~ 3.72 x 1013 cells and 200 different cell types. Generating the right number and types of cells is vital for embryogenesis, morphogenesis and tissue homeostasis. Such cellular diversity can be generated and maintained through asymmetric cell division (ACD), an evolutionary conserved process. ACD can be manifested in sibling cell size differences, distinct biochemical and molecular identities, or differences in subsequent division patterns.


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