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Rasmussen Lab paper accepted at Cell Reports
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) at a community college may provide bridge between community college and R1 institution to support URM student retention in Biology research
Increasing opportunities for undergraduate students to practice research, particularly underrepresented student populations in STEM, improves the recruitment and retention of these students because they are exposed to an authentic research environment in their required courses and learn valuable skills necessary for success in their discipline. Community colleges are an excellent venue for providing more inclusive access to research experiences because underrepresented minorities (URMs) account for almost half of all undergraduates attending community colleges.
Nest design, construction, and spatial organization in the superorganism
An organism’s appearance is the result of evolutionary pressures, and those same pressures apply to the structures organisms build, such as nests. Superorganism nests function as extended phenotypes to perform key biological processes, to survive, grow, and reproduce. Social insects are masters of solving organizational problems because they must coordinate thousands of individuals to accomplish these goals. One such problem is how to construct nests, and then, how to organize resources within that nest. Both, presumably, are optimized to maximize colony performance.
Creating activities for building inclusive classrooms and engaging students to think critically
Education research has shown conclusively that undergraduates learn and retain more with active learning. In this interactive seminar, I will share with you some of the different ways I use evidence-based active and inclusive learning strategies to help students learn scientific concepts, to develop their critical thinking skills, and to create equitable and inclusive learning environments in classrooms small and large.
Jennifer Nemhauser elected to the International Plant Growth Substances Association Governing Council
Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Neural Diversity: From Stem Cells to Neural Circuits
During development, neural stem cells (NSCs) generate diverse cell types that self-assemble to form neural circuits regulating distinct behaviors. How neural cell types are specified and assembled into neural circuits is poorly understood.
Adventures in cell herding: understanding and controlling collective cell migration
We are working to accomplish for cells something like what a shepherd and sheepdogs bring to flocks of sheep: control over large-scale collective cellular motion. As coordinated cellular motion is foundational to many forms of multicellular life, being able to ‘herd’ or program large-scale cell migration raises exciting possibilities for accelerated healing, tissue engineering, and novel biomaterials.
Moving and Grooving: Exploring Behavioral Multitasking in Drosophila Courtship
Success in life, for humans and all animals, requires multitasking. Multitasking — the simultaneous execution of two or more behaviors by a single agent — may at times seem effortless and safe, such as walking and talking, or challenging and potentially fatal, such as driving and texting. Performance differences between different multitasking contexts are likely reflected in the cognitive demands of the constituent behaviors, yet the neural substrates that facilitate or constrain multitasking remain unknown.
Rasmussen Lab paper published in Disease Models & Mechanisms