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Fields of interest
Seasonal Changes in Patterns of Gene Expression in Avian Song Control Brain Regions, Thompson, C. K., Meitzen J., and.... Brenowitz E. A. , PLoS One , Volume 7, (2012)
FKF1 conveys timing information for CONSTANS stabilization in photoperiodic flowering., Song, Young Hun, Smith Robert W., To Benjamin J., Millar Andrew J., and Imaizumi Takato , Science (New York, N.Y.), 2012 May 25, Volume 336, Issue 6084, p.1045-9, (2012)
Phylogenetic insights into the correlates of dioecy in meadow-rues (Thalictrum, Ranunculaceae)., Soza, Valerie L., Brunet Johanne, Liston Aaron, Smith Patricia Salles, and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 2012 Apr, Volume 63, Issue 1, p.180-92, (2012)
Integrative model of Drosophila flight, Suver, M., Mamiya A., and Dickinson M. H. , Current Biology, 2008, Volume 22, p.2294-2302, (2012)
Developmental expression of Drosophila Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome family proteins., Rodriguez-Mesa, Evelyn, Abreu-Blanco Maria Teresa, Rosales-Nieves Alicia E., and Parkhurst Susan M. , Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists, 2012 Mar, Volume 241, Issue 3, p.608-26, (2012)
Evolution of morphological traits in Verbenaceae. , O'Leary, N., Calvino C. I., Martinez S., and Olmstead R. G. , Am. J. Botany, 2012, Volume 99, p.1778-1792, (2012)
Footprints of climate change in US national park visitation., Buckley, Lauren B., and Foushee Madison S. , International journal of biometeorology, 2012 Nov, Volume 56, Issue 6, p.1173-7, (2012)
cGMP-Phosphodiesterase Inhibition Enhances Photic Responses and Synchronization of the Biological Circadian Clock in Rodents, Plano, Santiago A., Agostino Patricia V., de la Iglesia Horacio O., and Golombek Diego A. , PLoS ONE, 5/2012, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.e37121, (2012)
Alouatta seniculus: density, home range and group structure in a bamboo forest fragment in the Colombian Andes, Gómez-Posada, C., and Londoño JM , Folia Primatologica, Volume 83, p.56-65, (2012)
Inversion of dominance-diversity relationships along a latitudinal stress gradient, Richardson, P. J., MacDougall A. S., Stanley A. G., Kaye T. N., and Dunwiddie P. W. , Ecology, Volume 93, (2012)
A living fossil in the genome of a living fossil: Harbinger transposons in the coelacanth genome., Smith, Jeramiah J., Sumiyama Kenta, and Amemiya Chris T. , Molecular biology and evolution, 2012 Mar, Volume 29, Issue 3, p.985-93, (2012)
Long-term, High-resolution Confocal Time Lapse Imaging of Arabidopsis Cotyledon Epidermis during Germination, Peterson, Kylee M., and Torii Keiko U. , The Journal of Visualized Experiments, 12/2012, Issue 70, (2012)
Habitat and bathymetry influence the landscape-scale distribution and abundance of drift macrophytes and associated invertebrates, Britton-Simmons, Kevin H., Rhoades Alison L., Pacunski Robert E., Galloway Aaron W. E., Lowe Alexander T., Sosik Elizabeth A., Dethier Megan N., and Duggins David O. , Limnology and Oceanography, 2012, Volume 57, Issue 1, p.176 - 184, (2012)
Morphological innovation, diversification and invasion of a new adaptive zone, Dumont, E. R., Davalos L. M., Goldberg A., Santana S. E., Rex K., and Voigt C. C. , Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 05/2012, Volume 279, Issue 1734, p.1797 - 1805, (2012)
Mid-latitude afforestation shifts general circulation and tropical precipitation, Swann, Abigail L. S., Fung Inez Y., and Chiang John C. H. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 109, Number 3, p.712-716, (2012)
Evidence that ship noise increase stress in right whales, Rolland, RM, PArks SE, Hunt K., Castellote M., Corkerson PJ, Nowacek DP, Wasser S. K., and Kruase SD , Proceedings Royal Society B< Biological Sciences, Volume 279, p.2363-2368, (2012)
Mechanisms of stomatal development., Pillitteri, Lynn Jo, and Torii Keiko U. , Annual review of plant biology, 2012 Jun 2, Volume 63, p.591-614, (2012)
An endogenous carbon-sensing pathway triggers increased auxin flux and hypocotyl elongation., Lilley, Jodi Stewart L., Gee Christopher W., Sairanen Ilkka, Ljung Karin, and Nemhauser Jennifer L. , Plant physiology, 2012 Dec, Volume 160, Issue 4, p.2261-70, (2012)
Preference Alters Consumptive Effects of Predators: Top- Down Effects of a Native Crab on a System of Native and Introduced Prey, Sweedler, Jonathan V., Grason Emily W., and Sane Sanjay P. , PLoSONE, 12/2012, Volume 7, Issue 12, (2012)
Disentangling thermal preference and the thermal dependence of movement in ectotherms, Dillon, Michael E., Liu Rongsong, Wang George, and Huey Raymond B. , Journal of Thermal Biology, 12/2012, Volume 37, Issue 8, p.631 - 639, (2012)
