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Fields of interest
The SLC36 transporter Pathetic is required for extreme dendrite growth in Drosophila sensory neurons., Lin, Wen-Yang, Williams Claire, Yan Connie, Koledachkina Tatyana, Luedke Kory, Dalton Jesse, Bloomsburg Sam, Morrison Nicole, Duncan Kent E., Kim Charles C., et al. , Genes & development, 2015 Jun 1, Volume 29, Issue 11, p.1120-35, (2015)
Auxin signaling modules regulate maize inflorescence architecture., Galli, Mary, Liu Qiujie, Moss Britney L., Malcomber Simon, Li Wei, Gaines Craig, Federici Silvia, Roshkovan Jessica, Meeley Robert, Nemhauser Jennifer L., et al. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015 Oct 27, Volume 112, Issue 43, p.13372-7, (2015)
Identification, Characterization, and Diel Pattern of Expression of Canonical Clock Genes in Nephrops norvegicus (Crustacea: Decapoda) Eyestalk, Sbragaglia, Valerio, Lamanna Francesco, M. Mat Audrey, Rotllant Guiomar, Joly Silvia, Ketmaier Valerio, de la Iglesia Horacio O., and Aguzzi Jacopo , PLOS ONE, 11/2015, Volume 10, Issue 11, p.e0141893, (2015)
Climate change tightens a metabolic constraint on marine habitats, Deutsch, Curtis, Ferrel Aaron, Seibel Brad, Pörtner Hans-Otto, and Huey Raymond B. , Science, jun, Volume 348, p.1132–1135, (2015)
Theory, models and biology, Shou, Wenying, Bergstrom Carl T., Chakraborty Arup K., and Skinner Frances K. , eLife, 02/2016, Volume 4, p.e07158, (2015)
Symposium on “Climate Change and Molluscan Ecophysiology” at the 79th Annual Meeting of the American Malacological Society, Marko, Peter B., Carrington Emily, Rosa Rui, Giomi Folco, Troschinski Sandra, Melzner Frank, and Seibel Brad A. , American Malacological Bulletin, 03/2015, Volume 33, Issue 1, p.121 - 126, (2015)
Metamorphosis in solitary ascidians., Karaiskou, Anthi, Swalla Billie J., Sasakura Yasunori, and Chambon Jean-Philippe , Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000), 2015 Jan, Volume 53, Issue 1, p.34-47, (2015)
Asymmetrically dividing Drosophila neuroblasts utilize two spatially and temporally independent cytokinesis pathways., Roth, Michaela, Roubinet Chantal, Iffländer Niklas, Ferrand Alexia, and Cabernard Clemens , Nature communications, 2015, Volume 6, p.6551, (2015)
New tangles in the auxin signaling web., Wright, Clay R., and Nemhauser Jennifer L. , F1000prime reports, 2015, Volume 7, p.19, (2015)
Recruitment limitation of long-lived conifers: implications for climate change responses, Kroiss, Steve J., and HilleRisLambers Janneke , Ecology, Jan-05-2015, Volume 96, Issue 5, p.1286 - 1297, (2015)
Variation in Taxonomic Composition of the Fecal Microbiota in an Inbred Mouse Strain across Individuals and Time, Hoy, Yana Emmy, Bik Elisabeth M., Lawley Trevor D., Holmes Susan P., Monack Denise M., Theriot Julie A., and Relman David A. , PLOS ONE, Volume 10, Issue 11, p.e0142825, (2015)
Variability in Carbon Availability and Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Biometrics Along an Estuarine Gradient in Willapa Bay, WA, USA, Ruesink, Jennifer L., Yang Sylvia, and Trimble Alan C. , Estuaries and Coasts, (2015)
Strengthening confidence in climate change impact science, O'Connor, Mary I., Holding Johnna M., Kappel Carrie V., Duarte Carlos M., Brander Keith, Brown Christopher J., Bruno John F., Buckley Lauren, Burrows Michael T., Halpern Benjamin S., et al. , Global Ecology and Biogeography, Volume 24, Number 1, p.64–76, (2015)
A joint model for multistate disease processes and random informative observation times, with applications to electronic medical records data., Lange, Jane M., Hubbard Rebecca A., Inoue Lurdes Y. T., and Minin Vladimir N. , Biometrics, 2015 Mar, Volume 71, Issue 1, p.90-101, (2015)
{Biomechanics: Boxed up and ready to go.}, Farina, Stacy C., and Summers Adam P. , Nature, Volume 517, Number 7534, p.274–275, (2015)
Evolution of the aquatic habit in Ludwigia (Onagraceae): Morpho-anatomical adaptive strategies in the Neotropics, Bedoya, Ana M., and Madriñán Santiago , Aquatic Botany, Jan-01-2015, Volume 120, p.352 - 362, (2015)
Genome Sequence and Transcriptome Analyses of Chrysochromulina tobin: Metabolic Tools for Enhanced Algal Fitness in the Prominent Order Prymnesiales (Haptophyceae), Hovde, Blake T., Deodato Chloe R., Hunsperger Heather M., Ryken Scott A., Yost Will, Jha Ramesh K., Patterson Johnathan, Monnat Raymond J., Barlow Steven B., Starkenburg Shawn R., et al. , PLOS Genetics, Nov-09-2016, Volume 11, Issue 9, p.e1005469, (2015)
Mussels as a Model System for Integrative Ecomechanics, Carrington, Emily, Waite Herbert J., Sarà Gianluca, and Sebens Kenneth P. , Annual Review of Marine Science, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.443 - 469, (2015)
Sub-functionalization to ovule development following duplication of a floral organ identity gene, Galimba, Kelsey D., and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Developmental Biology, 2015, Volume 405, Issue 1, p.172, (2015)
50 years of Arabidopsis research: highlights and future directions., Provart, Nicholas J., Alonso Jose, Assmann Sarah M., Bergmann Dominique, Brady Siobhan M., Brkljacic Jelena, Browse John, Chapple Clint, Colot Vincent, Cutler Sean, et al. , The New phytologist, 2015 Oct 14, (2015)
