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Undergraduate Neuropharmacology: A Model for Delivering College-Level Neuroscience to High School Students in situ.

TitleUndergraduate Neuropharmacology: A Model for Delivering College-Level Neuroscience to High School Students in situ.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMartin-Morris LE, Buckland HT, Popa SM, Cunningham SL
JournalJournal of undergraduate neuroscience education : JUNE : a publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience
Date Published2015 Spring

Our university course for non-majors (Biology 100) on the neurobiology of drug addiction was recently retooled for delivery at high schools around the state of Washington in order to engage younger students in the study of psychoactive drugs. Many of these students are earning both high school and university credits (dual-enrollment). This paper outlines the course design principles we used to ensure that high school students are earning valid college credits. We present an analysis of learning gains experienced by both university and high school students as measured by before and after course knowledge surveys. We also describe how assessment strategies used for on-campus students have been transferred to our high school partner teachers and how generous interchange and observation ensure that the high school students are engaging deeply in their study of neuroscience. Indeed, many have had a transformative experience that inspires them to contemplate the field of neuroscience as they transition into university study.

Alternate JournalJ Undergrad Neurosci Educ