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Biology Education
Ben Wiggins and the STEP Program featured in AWIS Magazine
Ishira Parikh and "Synbio for Everyone" project featured in Perspectives newsletter
TED-Ed Video on hummingbirds by Kristiina Hurme, Alejandro Rico-Guevara, & Alyssa Sargent
Ben Wiggins featured in CNBC News article on cheating during pandemic remote learning
UW Graduate School Profile: Biology graduate student Donavan Jackson
Environmental Change: Science and Art
Art is an important tool for science outreach. Productive partnerships between artists and scientists can be a highly effective way to reach a wider audience. The visual arts, including drawing, painting, sculpture and photography can tell stories that spark interest in aspects of science and the environment and reinforce the written and spoken word.
This talk introduces some of the areas in which art is used to enhance science and the environment, especially climate change and conservation.
Active learning research article honored in Altmetric's 2020 Top 100
Joe Felsenstein named 2020 Friend of Darwin award winner
Scott Freeman in Scientific American on how to narrow achievement gaps for underrepresented students