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Fields of interest
A new genus for the American Tree Sparrow (Aves: Passeriformes: Passerellidae), Slager, D., and Klicka J. , Zootaxa, 2014, Volume 3821, (2014)
End of lecture: Active learning increases student performance across STEM disciplines., Freeman, S., Eddy S., McDonough M., Smith M., Okoroafor N., Jordt H., and Wenderoth M. P. , PNAS, May 12, 2014, Issue early edition, (2014)
A new species of horned lizard (genus \textit{Phrynosoma} from Guerrero, Mexico, with an updated multilocus phylogeny, Nieto-Montes de Oca, A., Arenas-Moreno D., Beltrán-Sanchez E., and Leaché A. D. , Herpetologica, Volume 70, Number 2, press, (2014)
Timing of antimicrobial use influences the evolution of antimicrobial resistance during disease epidemics, Tanaka, M. M., Althouse B. M., and Bergstrom C. T. , Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, 01/2014, Volume 2014, Issue 1, p.150 - 161, (2014)
Four decades, few changes: can subtidal rock walls serve as refuges from biodiversity loss? , Elahi, Robin, Dwyer Timothy, Turner Kevin R., Birkeland Charles B., and Sebens Kenneth P. , Marine Biology, Volume 160, p.3209-3219, (2014)
Extinction and survival of salamander and salamander-like amphibians across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in northeastern Montana, USA, Wilson, Gregory P., DeMar David G., and Carter Grace , Geological Society of America Special Papers, Volume 503, p.271–297, (2014)
Krüppel mediates the selective rebalancing of ion channel expression., Parrish, Jay Z., Kim Charles C., Tang Lamont, Bergquist Sharon, Wang Tingting, Derisi Joseph L., Jan Lily Yeh, Jan Yuh Nung, and Davis Graeme W. , Neuron, 2014 May 7, Volume 82, Issue 3, p.537-44, (2014)
Male biased sex ratio of poached elephants is negatively related to paching intensity, Mondol, S., Mailand CR, and Wasser S. K. , Conservation Genetics, 2014, Volume DOI 10.1007/s10592-04-0603-2, (2014)
Effects of age, sex, and genotype on high-sensitivity metabolomic profiles in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster., Hoffman, Jessica M., Soltow Quinlyn A., Li Shuzhao, Sidik Alfire, Jones Dean P., and Promislow Daniel E. L. , Aging cell, 2014 Aug, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.596-604, (2014)
Photoperiodic flowering regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana., Golembeski, Greg S., Kinmonth-Schultz Hannah A., Song Young Hun, and Imaizumi Takato , Advances in botanical research, 2014 Jan 1, Volume 72, p.1-28, (2014)
The effect of water temperature and flow on respiration in barnacles: patterns of mass transfer versus kinetic limitation. , Nishizaki, M. T., and Carrington E. , J. Exp. Biol. , 03/2014, Volume 217, p.2101-2109, (2014)
Analytical and numerical study of diffusion-controlled drug release from composite spherical matrices, Hadjitheodorou, Amalia, and Kalosakas George , Materials Science and Engineering: C, Volume 42, p.681–690, (2014)
Control of asymmetric cell division., Roubinet, Chantal, and Cabernard Clemens , Current opinion in cell biology, 2014 Dec, Volume 31, p.84-91, (2014)
Geographical limits to species-range shifts are suggested by climate velocity., Burrows, Michael T., Schoeman David S., Richardson Anthony J., Molinos Jorge García, Hoffmann Ary, Buckley Lauren B., Moore Pippa J., Brown Christopher J., Bruno John F., Duarte Carlos M., et al. , Nature, 2014 Feb 9, (2014)
Pattern and processes in the evolution of the sole dioecious member of Brassicaceae, Soza, Valerie L., Le Huyn Vietnam, and Di Stilio Verónica S. , Evodevo (BMC), 11/2014, Volume 5, Issue 1, (2014)
Life cycles, fitness decoupling and the evolution of multicellularity, Hammerschmidt, K., Rose C., Kerr B., and Rainey P. , Nature, 2014, Volume 515, (2014)
BioCore guide: A tool for interpreting the core concepts of Vision and Change for biology majors, Brownell, S.E., Freeman S., Wenderoth M. P., and Crowe A. J. , CBE-LSE, 06/2014, Volume 13, (2014)
Built for speed: strain in the cartilaginous vertebral columns of sharks., Porter, M. E., Diaz Candido, Sturm Joshua J., Grotmol Sindre, Summers A. P., and Long John H. , Zoology (Jena, Germany), 2014 Feb, Volume 117, Issue 1, p.19-27, (2014)
Broad sampling and diverse biomarkers allow characterization of nearshore particulate organic matter, Lowe, A. T., Galloway A. W. E., Yeung JS, Dethier M. N., and Duggins D. O. , Oikos, Volume 123, p.1341-1354, (2014)
Predictable transcriptome evolution in the convergent and complex bioluminescent organs of squid., Pankey, Sabrina M., Minin Vladimir N., Imholte Greg C., Suchard Marc A., and Oakley Todd H. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014 Nov 4, Volume 111, Issue 44, p.E4736-42, (2014)
