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Cell and Molecular Biology

A conserved morphogenetic mechanism for epidermal ensheathment of nociceptive sensory neurites

Jiang N, Rasmussen JP, Clanton JA, Rosenberg MF, Luedke KP, Cronan MR, Parker ED, Kim H-J, Vaughan JC, Sagasti A et al..  2019.  A conserved morphogenetic mechanism for epidermal ensheathment of nociceptive sensory neurites. Elife. 8

A Day in the Life of a Cyanobacterium: integrating temporal and environmental information

Cells of diverse organisms, from cyanobacteria to humans, execute temporal programs that are driven by circadian oscillators. The circadian clock of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus is a discrete nanomachine comprising three proteins – KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC – which interact progressively to set up the timekeeping mechanism, and two kinases whose activities are altered by engaging the Kai oscillator.

Protein Kinase C-Related Kinase 2 Phosphorylates the Protein Synthesis Initiation Factor eIF4E in Starfish Oocytes

Lee S-J, Stapleton G, Greene JH, Hille MB.  2000.  Protein Kinase C-Related Kinase 2 Phosphorylates the Protein Synthesis Initiation Factor eIF4E in Starfish Oocytes. Developmental Biology. 228(2):166-180.


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