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Assistant Professor New grads: Yes ✓
We combine fluorescence microscopy of genome-edited stem cells with computational modeling to identify principles by which cytoskeletal protein complexes self-assemble and produce force in order to reshape cellular membranes. |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Developing data-driven dynamic models of brain and natural behavior |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Our research focuses on using physiology to improve models for predicting ecological and evolutionary responses to climate variability and change. |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
My lab is investigating mechanisms to establish cellular and subcellular asymmetry, and its contribution to cell diversity and tissue morphogenesis |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Plant evolution and development (evo-devo). The genetic basis of plant innovations; functional evolution of key transcription factors; phylogenetic comparative methods. Multiple systems (fern, gymnosperm, angiosperm) |
Assistant Professor New grads: Yes ✓
We study the sensory physiology and behavior of mosquitoes and other pest insects and develop genetic tools for these species. |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Evolution and systematics of reptiles and amphibians, with a focus on phylogenetics, phylogeography, and species delimitation, mostly in lizards. |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
We study the cell and developmental biology of the divergent protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia to identify new therapeutic opportunities. |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓ |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓ |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
We are interested in neural mechanisms of vocal learning and production in birds and in bipedal balance in birds |
Associate Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Molecular and cellular regulation of zebrafish organ development and repair |
Assistant Professor New grads: Yes ✓
I use nectar-feeding animals to bridge the gap between our knowledge of ecological and coevolutionary patterns and their underlying mechanisms. |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
My lab studies sensory biology, neurobiology, and ecology of insects, including mosquitoes |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Marine community ecology, especially interaction networks, aquaculture impacts, species invasions, and response to global change in biogenic habitats (shellfish and seagrass) of mudflats |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓ |
Assistant Professor New grads: Yes ✓ |
Associate Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Function and evolution of the plant immune system; receptor complexes to monitor extracellular stimuli; comparative genomics of plant receptor repertoires
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Paleobotany & paleoecology: Reconstructing ecosystem assembly through Earth history, focusing on the role of plants, especially grasses and grasslands. |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓ |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Abigail Swann is an atmospheric scientist and ecologist who is interested in the transitions, thresholds, and feedbacks of the coupled ecosystem-climate system, or ecoclimate. More specifically, she works to understand when, where, and how plants influence the climate across a range of spatial and temporal scales. |
Assistant Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Achieving, ensuring, and maintaining equity in educational outcomes in college STEM classrooms. |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓ |
Assistant Professor New grads: Yes ✓ |
Assistant Professor New grads: Yes ✓ |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓ |
Professor New grads: Yes ✓
Understanding early mammal evolution and ecology in the context of earth history events through fieldwork, systematics, and functional analysis. |