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Published: 01/27/2021

Biology professor Horacio de la Iglesia and postdoctoral researcher Leandro Casiraghi were featured in a UW News article on their new research into the...Read more

Published: 01/20/2021

Altmetrics, a leading service for tracking the online impact of scientific papers, recently listed a study on active learning by researchers at the University of Washington on its 2020...Read more

Published: 01/14/2021

Anyone who has been stung by a jellyfish might think they know more than enough about cnidocytes, the cells that deliver the sting. But Leslie Babonis has found that these...Read more

Published: 01/12/2021

The coronavirus has evolved as it made its way across the world, as any virus is expected to do. But experts have been startled by the pace at which significant...Read more

Published: 12/14/2020

Tom Daniel was recently featured in the "2020 Year in Review" episode of the "Behind the Tech" podcast with Microsoft's Chief Technology Officer Kevin Scott. This podcast episode...Read more

Published: 12/08/2020

Tom Daniel is among a team of University of Washington researchers awarded the American Heart Association's Collaborative Science Award. 

The collaborative grant, titled Multi-Scale Computational Modeling in...Read more

Published: 12/08/2020

One huge advantage of drones is that these little robots can go places where people can't, including areas that might be too dangerous, such as unstable structures after a natural...Read more

Published: 12/01/2020

In a New York Times article, Carl Bergstrom, UW Biology professor, is among the list of names suggested for President-elect Joseph Biden Jr.'s coronavirus advisory panel.


Mr....Read more
