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New tangles in the auxin signaling web
Submitted by Clay-Wright on
Cabernard lab in Nature Communications
Cryptosporidium: molecular genetics for an important parasite
10% of global child mortality is due to diarrheal disease. We now understand the protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium to be a leading cause of this burden with a particular grave impact on malnourished infants and toddlers. Boris Striepen’s laboratory has pioneered molecular genetics for this previously intractable pathogen. The lab uses genetics and genomics to understand fundamental parasite cell and molecular biology.
Biology Postdoc Minisymposium II
Name: Jack Cerchiara, PhD
Title: Telomere maintenance and corticosterone in Magellanic penguins
Regulation of Drosophila visual system development by juvenile hormone
Metamorphosis of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is regulated by two hormones, ecdysone and juvenile hormone (JH). The developing eye and optic lobe (OL) present a unique challenge to this hormonal control because the eye forms progressively over a two day period and the resulting wave of photoreceptor ingrowth directs a corresponding wave of neural organization to the underlying OL. These waves of development occur during phasic pulses of both ecdysone and JH.