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Found 1398 results
Stark SC, Breshears DD, Garcia, E. LDJ, Minor D, Saleska SR, Swann ALS, Villegas JC, Aragão LEOC, Bella EM, Borma LS et al..  2015.  Toward accounting for ecoclimate teleconnections: intra- and inter-continental consequences of altered energy balance after vegetation change. Landscape Ecology. submitted
Hass C, Kennedy ML.  2015.  Undergraduate Leech laboratory protocol. (In prep).
Martin-Morris LE, Buckland HT, Popa SM, Cunningham SL.  2015.  Undergraduate Neuropharmacology: A Model for Delivering College-Level Neuroscience to High School Students in situ.. Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education : JUNE : a publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience. 13(2):A88-94.
Yu H, Zhang Y, Moss BL, Bargmann BOR, Wang R, Prigge M, Nemhauser JL, Estelle M.  2015.  Untethering the TIR1 auxin receptor from the SCF complex increases its stability and inhibits auxin response.. Nature plants. 1(3)
Bothwell MA, Stilwell GE, Weller J.  2015.  Untitled.
Ruesink JL, Yang S, Trimble AC.  2015.  Variability in Carbon Availability and Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Biometrics Along an Estuarine Gradient in Willapa Bay, WA, USA. Estuaries and Coasts.
Hoy YEmmy, Bik EM, Lawley TD, Holmes SP, Monack DM, Theriot JA, Relman DA.  2015.  Variation in Taxonomic Composition of the Fecal Microbiota in an Inbred Mouse Strain across Individuals and Time. PLOS ONE. 10(11):e0142825.
Rasmussen JP, Sack GS, Martin SM, Sagasti A.  2015.  Vertebrate epidermal cells are broad-specificity phagocytes that clear sensory axon debris. J Neurosci. 35:559-70.
Gretchen. S.B..  2015.  Viking Sensitivity. Night World. 2:226.
Kleinteich T, Conway K, Gorb S, Summers AP.  2015.  What's inside a fishy suction cup? Microscopy and Microanalysis. 17
Theobald EJ, Crowe AJ, HilleRisLambers J, Wenderoth MP, Freeman S.  2015.  Women learn more from local than global examples of the biological impacts of climate change. Frontiers Ecol Env. 13(3)
Jenkins E.T., Crowe A., HilleRisLambers J., Wenderoth M.P., Freeman S..  2015.  Women learn more from local than global examples of the biological impacts of climate change. Frontiers in Ecology. 13(3)
Pace MR, Lohmann LG, Olmstead RG, Angyalossy V.  2015.  Wood anatomy of major Bignoniaceae clades. . Plant Systematics and Evolution. 301:967-995.
Freeman SR, Eddy SL, McDonough M, Smith MK, Okoroafor N, Jordt H, Wenderoth M P.  2014.  Active learning improves student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111(23)
Freeman S, Eddy SL, McDonough M, Smith MK, Okoroafor N, Jordt H, Wenderoth M P.  2014.  Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111:8410–8415.
R. Wright C, Khakhar A, Eshleman JR, Ostermeier M.  2014.  Advancements in the Development of HIF-1α-Activated Protein Switches for Use in Enzyme Prodrug Therapy. PLoS ONE. (11):e114032.
L.Laurens, Cooksey K, Cattolico RA, Edwards M, A.Neblett, McCormick R, Pinkos P, G.Clapper.  2014.  Algae Biomass Organization: Industrial Algae Measurements.
Hadjitheodorou A, Kalosakas G.  2014.  Analytical and numerical study of diffusion-controlled drug release from composite spherical matrices. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 42:681–690.
Dunwiddie P.W., Alverson E.R., Martin R.A., Gilbert R..  2014.  Annual species in native prairies of South Puget Sound, Washington. Northwest Science. 88(2)
Carroll S.P, Jorgensen P.S, Kinnison M.T, Bergstrom C.T, Denison R.F, Gluckman P., Smith T.B, Strauss S.Y, Tabashnik B.E.  2014.  Applying evolutionary biology to address global challenges. Science. 346(6207):1245993-1245993.
Moore JR, Wilson GP, Sharma M, Hallock HR, Braman DR, Renne PR.  2014.  Assessing the relationships of the Hell Creek–Fort Union contact, Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, and Chicxulub impact ejecta horizon at the Hell Creek Formation lectostratotype, Montana, USA. Geological Society of America Special Papers. 503:123–135.
Ditsche P, Wainwright DK, Summers AP.  2014.  {Attachment to challenging substrates–fouling, roughness and limits of adhesion in the northern clingfish (Gobiesox maeandricus).}. Journal of Experimental Biology. 217:2548–2554.
Pozzi LM, Boersma PD, Pascual MA.  2014.  Beach Attendance in Magellanic penguins Spheniscus magellanicus. Aredeola.
S.B. G.  2014.  Berman's Wolves. Berman's Wolves. 1:252.
Brownell SE, Freeman S, Wenderoth M P, Crowe AJ.  2014.  BioCore Guide: A tool for interpreting the core concepts of Vision and Change for biology majors. CBE-LSE. 13
