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Found 1398 results
Boersam DP.  2015.  Penguins As Marine Sentinels: Building Science and Education Partnerships. Penguin Conservation. 19:2:publishedPenguinTAGnewsletter.
Lundin JI, Dills RL, Ylitalo GM, Bradley HM, Emmons CK, Schorr GS, Hempelmann JA, Parson KM, Wasser SK.  2015.  Persistent Organic Pollutant Determination in Killer Whale Scat Samples: Optimization of a Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Method and Application to Field Samples. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol . DOI 10.1007/s00244-015-0218-8
Leaché AD, Chavez AS, Jones LN, Grummer JA, Gottscho AD, Linkem CW.  2015.  Phylogenomics of phrynosomatid lizards: conflicting signals from sequence capture versus restriction site associated DNA sequencing. Genome biology and evolution. 7:706–719.
Gormley IC, Bedigian D, Olmstead RG.  2015.  Phylogeny of Pedaliaceae and Martyniaceae, and the placement Trapella in Plantaginaceae. . Systematic Botany. 40:259-268.
Hannah L, Flint L, Syphard AD, Moritz MA, Buckley LB, McCullough IM.  2015.  Place and process in conservation planning for climate change: a reply to Keppel & Wardell-Johnson. dynamics. 169:5347.
Fernández M, Bedoya AM, Madriñán S.  2015.  Plantas acuáticas de las planicies inundables de la Orinoquia Colombiana. Biota Colombiana. 16(1):96–105.
Lundin JI, Riffell JA, Wasser SK.  2015.  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in caribou, moose, and wolf scat samples from three areas of the Alberta oil sands. Environmental Polution. 206:527-534.
Santana SE.  2015.  Quantifying the effect of gape and morphology on bite force: biomechanical modelling and in vivo measurements in bats. Functional Ecology. :n/a-n/a.
Moss BL, Mao H, Guseman JM, Hinds TR, Hellmuth A, Kovenock M, Noorassa A, Lanctot A, Villalobos L I CA, Zheng N et al..  2015.  Rate Motifs Tune Auxin/Indole-3-Acetic Acid Degradation Dynamics.. Plant physiology. 169(1):803-13.
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Kroiss SJ, HilleRisLambers J.  2015.  Recruitment limitation of long-lived conifers: implications for climate change responses. Ecology. 96(5):1286-1297.
Peng Y, Lee J, Rowland K, Hua H, Carlson N, Lavinia S, Parrish JZ, Kim M.  2015.  Regulation of dendrite growth and maintenance by exocytosis. Journal of Cell Science.
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Caras ML.  2015.  Seasonal Plasticity of Precise Spike Timing in the Avian Auditory System.
Lowe A.T., Whippo R., Galloway A.W.E., Britton-Simmons K.H., Dethier M.N..  2015.  Sedentary urchins influence benthic community composition below the macroalgal zone. . Marine Ecology. 36
Pu K-M, Akamatsu M, Pollard TD.  2015.  The septation initiation network controls the assembly of nodes containing Cdr2p for cytokinesis in fission yeast. Journal of cell science. 128:441–446.
Leaché AD, Banbury BL, Felsenstein J, de Oca ANieto-Mont, Stamatakis A.  2015.  Short tree, long tree, right tree, wrong tree: new acquisition bias corrections for inferring SNP phylogenies. Systematic Biology. 64:1032–1047.
Lin W-Y, Williams C, Yan C, Koledachkina T, Luedke K, Dalton J, Bloomsburg S, Morrison N, Duncan KE, Kim CC et al..  2015.  The SLC36 transporter Pathetic is required for extreme dendrite growth in Drosophila sensory neurons.. Genes & development. 29(11):1120-35.
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O'Connor MI, Holding JM, Kappel CV, Duarte CM, Brander K, Brown CJ, Bruno JF, Buckley L, Burrows MT, Halpern BS et al..  2015.  Strengthening confidence in climate change impact science. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 24:64–76.
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Marko PB, Carrington E, Rosa R, Giomi F, Troschinski S, Melzner F, Seibel BA.  2015.  Symposium on “Climate Change and Molluscan Ecophysiology” at the 79th Annual Meeting of the American Malacological Society. American Malacological Bulletin. 33(1):121-126.
Shou W, Bergstrom CT, Chakraborty AK, Skinner FK.  2015.  Theory, models and biology. eLife. 4:e07158.
Buckley LB, Ehrenberger JC, Angilletta MJ.  2015.  Thermoregulatory behavior limits local adaptation of thermal niches and confers sensitivity to climate change. Functional Ecology.
Pellman BA, Kim E, Reilly M, Kashima J, Motch O, de la Iglesia HO, Kim JJ.  2015.  Time-Specific Fear Acts as a Non-Photic Entraining Stimulus of Circadian Rhythms in Rats. Scientific Reports. 5:14916.
