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Fields of interest
Organization of the songbird basal ganglia, including area X, Person, A. L., Gale S. D., Farries M. A., and Perkel D. J. , J Comp Neurol, 2008, Volume 508, Issue 5, p.840-66, (2008)
Sisyphus, the Drosophila myosin XV homolog, traffics within filopodia transporting key sensory and adhesion cargos, Liu, R., Woolner S., Johndrow J. E., Metzger D., Flores A., and Parkhurst S. M. , Development, 2008, Volume 135, Issue 1, p.53-63, (2008)
Retention of induced mutations in a Drosophila reverse-genetic resource., Cooper, Jennifer L., Greene Elizabeth A., Till Bradley J., Codomo Christine A., Wakimoto Barbara T., and Henikoff Steven , 2008, Volume 180, Issue 1, p. - -667, (2008)
Assessing citations with the Eigenfactor Metrics, Bergstrom, C. T., and West J. D. , 2008, Volume 71, p. - 1851, (2008)
Ecology. Putting the heat on tropical animals., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Huey Raymond B., and Deutsch Curtis A. , Science (New York, N.Y.), 2008 Jun 6, Volume 320, Issue 5881, p.1296-7, (2008)
Embryonic requirements for ErbB signaling in neural crest development and adult pigment pattern formation, Budi, E. H., Patterson L. B., and Parichy D. M. , Development, 2008, Volume 135, Issue 15, p.2603-14, (2008)
Body size shapes caste expression, and cleptoparasitism reduces body size in the facultatively eusocial bees Megalopta (Hymenoptera : Halictidae), Smith, Adam R., Wcislo William T., and O'Donnell Sean , 2008, Volume 21, Issue 5, p. - -406, (2008)
Three genes control the timing, the site and the size of blastema formation in Drosophila., McClure, Kimberly D., Sustar Anne, and Schubiger Gerold , Developmental biology, 2008 Jul 1, Volume 319, Issue 1, p.68-77, (2008)
Combating the illegal trade in African elephant ivory with DNA forensics, Wasser, Samuel K., Clark William Joseph, Drori Ofir, Kisamo Emily Stephen, Mailand Celia, Mutayoba Benezeth, and Stephens Matthew , Conservation Biology, 2008, Volume 22, Issue 4, p. - -1071, (2008)
Genetic evidence that cellulose synthase activity influences microtubule cortical array organization., Paredez, Alexander R., Persson Staffan, Ehrhardt David W., and Somerville Chris R. , Plant physiology, 2008 Aug, Volume 147, Issue 4, p.1723-34, (2008)
Caspase Inhibitor Infusion Protects an Avian Song Control Circuit from Seasonal-Like Neurodegeneration, Thompson, Christopher K., and Brenowitz Eliot A. , J. Neurosci., 2008, Volume 28, Issue 28, p.7130-7136, (2008)
Symbiosis regulation in a facultatively symbiotic temperate coral, Dimond, J. , Coral Reefs, 2008, Volume 27, Issue 3, p.601-604, (2008)
A screen for genes that function in leg disc regeneration in Drosophila melanogaster, McClure, K. D., and Schubiger G. , Mech Dev, 2008, Volume 125, Issue 1-2, p.67-80 %8 2008 Jan-Feb %! A screen for genes that function in leg disc regeneration in Drosophila melanogaster. %@ 0925-4773, (2008)
Prefoldin 6 is required for normal microtubule dynamics and organization in Arabidopsis., Gu, Ying, Deng Zhiping, Paredez Alexander R., DeBolt Seth, Wang Zhi-Yong, and Somerville Chris , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008 Nov 18, Volume 105, Issue 46, p.18064-9, (2008)
The bHLH protein, MUTE, controls differentiation of stomata and the hydathode pore in Arabidopsis, Pillitteri, L. J., Bogenschutz N. L., and Torii K. U. , Plant Cell Physiol, 2008, Volume 49, Issue 6, p.934-43, (2008)
Cytokine Storm in a Mouse Model of IgG-mediated Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions, Hod, E., Cadwell C., Liepkalns J., Zimring J., SA Sokol, DA Schirmer, J Jhang, and SL Spitalnik , Blood, Volume 112, Issue 3, (2008)
Divergence of male courtship displays between sympatric forms of anadromous threespine stickleback, Kitano, Jun, Mori Seiichi, and Peichel Catherine L. , Behaviour, Volume 145, p.443-461, (2008)
The dynamic pollen tube cytoskeleton: Live cell studies using actin-binding and microtubule-binding reporter proteins, Cheung, A. Y., Duan Q. H., Costa S. S., de Graaf B. H. J., Di Stilio Veronica*, Feijo J., and Wu H. M. , Molecular Plant, 2008, Volume 1, Issue 4, p.686-702, (2008)
The kinesin-8 motor Kif18A suppresses kinetochore movements to control mitotic chromosome alignment., Stumpff, Jason, von Dassow George, Wagenbach Michael, Asbury Charles, and Wordeman Linda , Developmental cell, 2008 Feb, Volume 14, Issue 2, p.252-62, (2008)
Noradrenergic and GABA B receptor activation differentially modulate inputs to the premotor nucleus RA in zebra finches, Sizemore, M., and Perkel D. J. , J Neurophysiol, 2008, Volume 100, Issue 1, p.8-18, (2008)
