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Fields of interest
The first biarmosuchian from the upper Madumabisa Mudstone Formation (Luangwa Basin) of Zambia., Sidor, C. A. , Palaeontologia Africana, Volume 49, p.1–7, (2015)
Global change and local solutions: Tapping the unrealized potential of citizen science for biodiversity research, Theobald, E. J., Ettinger A. K., Burgess H. K., DeBey L. B., Schmidt N. R., Froehlich H. E., Wagner C., HilleRisLambers J., Tewksbury J., Harsch M. A., et al. , Biological Conservation, 01/2015, Volume 181, p.236 - 244, (2015)
Climate change tightens a metabolic constraint on marine habitats, Deutsch, Curtis, Ferrel Aaron, Seibel Brad, Pörtner Hans-Otto, and Huey Raymond B. , Science, jun, Volume 348, p.1132–1135, (2015)
Regulation of dendrite growth and maintenance by exocytosis., Peng, Yun, Lee Jiae, Rowland Kimberly, Wen Yuhui, Hua Hope, Carlson Nicole, Lavania Shweta, Parrish Jay Z., and Kim Michael D. , Journal of cell science, 2015 Dec 1, Volume 128, Issue 23, p.4279-92, (2015)
Toward accounting for ecoclimate teleconnections: intra- and inter-continental consequences of altered energy balance after vegetation change, Stark, S. C., Breshears D. D., Garcia, E. Law D. J., Minor D., Saleska S. R., Swann A. L. S., Villegas J. C., Aragão L. E. O. C., Bella E. M., Borma L. S., et al. , Landscape Ecology, Volume submitted, (2015)
Foraging behavior minimizes heat exposure in a complex thermal landscape, Hayford, HA, Gilman SE, and Carrington E. , Marine Ecology Progress Series, 01/2015, Volume 518, p.165 - 175, (2015)
What's inside a fishy suction cup? , Kleinteich, T., Conway K., Gorb S., and Summers A. P. , Microscopy and Microanalysis, 4/2015, Volume 17, (2015)
Ferns: the missing link in shoot evolution and development, Plackett, Andrew R., Di Stilio Veronica S., and Langdale Jane A. , Frontiers in plant Science (Plant Evolution and Development), 10/23/15, (2015)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in caribou, moose, and wolf scat samples from three areas of the Alberta oil sands, Lundin, Jessica I., Riffell Jefferey A., and Wasser Samuel K. , Environmental Polution, Volume 206, p.527-534, (2015)
Movements of genes between populations: are pollinators more effective at transferring their own or plant genetic markers?, Liu, M., Compton S. G., Peng F.-E., Zhang J., and Chen X.-Y. , Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Jul-06-2015, Volume 282, Issue 1808, (2015)
Origins of adult pigmentation: diversity in pigment stem cell lineages and implications for pattern evolution., Parichy, David M., and Spiewak Jessica E. , Pigment cell & melanoma research, 2015 Jan, Volume 28, Issue 1, p.31-50, (2015)
Cell-Cell Communication in Yeast Using Auxin Biosynthesis and Auxin Responsive CRISPR Transcription Factors., Khakhar, Arjun, Bolten Nicholas J., Nemhauser Jennifer, and Klavins Eric , ACS synthetic biology, 2015 Jul 6, (2015)
Access to Electric Light Is Associated with Shorter Sleep Duration in a Traditionally Hunter-Gatherer Community, de la Iglesia, H. O., Fernandez-Duque E., Golombek D. A., Lanza N., Duffy J. F., Czeisler C. A., and Valeggia C. R. , Journal of Biological Rhythms, 08/2015, Volume 30, Issue 4, p.342 - 350, (2015)
Genealogical Correspondence of Mushroom Bodies across Invertebrate Phyla, Wolff, H., and Strausfeld J. , Current Biology, Jan-01-2015, Volume 25, Issue 1, p.38 - 44, (2015)
A multivariate approach to infer locomotor modes in Mesozoic mammals, Chen, M., and Wilson Gregory P. , Paleobiology, Volume 41, Issue 2, (2015)
Phylogenomics of phrynosomatid lizards: conflicting signals from sequence capture versus restriction site associated DNA sequencing, Leaché, Adam D., Chavez Andreas S., Jones Leonard N., Grummer Jared A., Gottscho Andrew D., and Linkem Charles W. , Genome biology and evolution, Volume 7, p.706–719, (2015)
Hydrometeorological effects of historical land-conversion in an ecosystem-atmosphere model of Northern South America, Knox, R. G., Longo M., Swann A. L. S., Zhang K., Levine N. M., Moorcroft P. R., and Bras R. L. , Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Volume 19, Number 1, p.241–273, (2015)
Biogeography of Phallusia nigra: Is It Really Black and White?, Vandepas, Lauren E., Oliveira Livia M., Lee Serina S. C., Hirose Euichi, Rocha Rosana M., and Swalla Billie J. , The Biological bulletin, 2015 Feb, Volume 228, Issue 1, p.52-64, (2015)
Undergraduate Neuropharmacology: A Model for Delivering College-Level Neuroscience to High School Students in situ., Martin-Morris, Linda E., Buckland Helen T., Popa Simina M., and Cunningham Susanna L. , Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education : JUNE : a publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience, 2015 Spring, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.A88-94, (2015)
