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Fields of interest
Changes in productivity associated with four introduced species: ecosystem transformation of a 'pristine' estuary, Ruesink, J. L., Feist B. E., Harvey C. J., Hong J. S., Trimble A. C., and Wisehart L. M. , Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 2006, Volume 311, p.203-215, (2006)
Genome-wide analyses identify transcription factors required for proper morphogenesis of Drosophila sensory neuron dendrites., Parrish, Jay Z., Kim Michael D., Jan Lily Yeh, and Jan Yuh Nung , Genes & development, 2006 Apr 1, Volume 20, Issue 7, p.820-35, (2006)
Visualization of cellulose synthase demonstrates functional association with microtubules., Paredez, Alexander R., Somerville Christopher R., and Ehrhardt David W. , Science (New York, N.Y.), 2006 Jun 9, Volume 312, Issue 5779, p.1491-5, (2006)
Biodiversity & ecosystem functioning: Exploring principles of ecology with agricultural plants, Ruesink, J., O'Connor E., and Sparks G. , American Biology Teacher, 2006, Volume 68, Issue 5, p.285-292, (2006)
Taxonomic sufficiency in distinguishing natural spatial patterns on an estuarine shoreline., Dethier, M. N., and Schoch G. C. , Marine Ecology Progress Series, Volume 306, (2006)
The tumour suppressor Hippo acts with the NDR kinases in dendritic tiling and maintenance., Emoto, Kazuo, Parrish Jay Z., Jan Lily Yeh, and Jan Yuh-Nung , Nature, 2006 Sep 14, Volume 443, Issue 7108, p.210-3, (2006)
Interspecific comparison of the mechanical properties of mussel byssus, Brazee, Shanna L., and Carrington E. , Biological Bulletin, 2006, Volume 211, Issue 3, p.263-274, (2006)
Effects of first trimester binge alcohol exposure on developing white matter in fetal sheep., Watari, Hirofumi, Born Donald E., and Gleason Christine A. , Pediatric research, 2006 Apr, Volume 59, Issue 4 Pt 1, p.560-4, (2006)
Nitrate uptake by the reef coral Diploria strigosa: effects of concentration, water flow, and irradiance, Badgley, B. D., Lipschultz F., and Sebens K. P. , Marine Biology, 2006, Volume 149, Issue 2, p.327-338, (2006)
A possible Late Cretaceous "Haramiyidan" from India, Anantharaman, S., Wilson G. P., Das Sarma D. C., and Clemens W. A. , Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2006, Volume 26, Issue 2, p.488-490, (2006)
Global genetic change tracks global climate warming in Drosophila subobscura, Balanyà, J., Oller J. M., Huey R. B., Gilchrist G. W., and Serra L. , Science, 2006, Volume 313, p.1773-1775, (2006)
Climbing a Triassic Mount Everest: into thinner air, , JAMA, 10/2005, Volume 294, Issue 14, p.1758, (2005)
A population-epigenetic model to infer site-specific methylation rates from double-stranded DNA methylation patterns, Genereux, D. P., Miner B. E., Bergstrom C. T., and Laird C. D. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2005, Volume 102, Issue 16, p.5802-5807, (2005)
FKF1 F-box protein mediates cyclic degradation of a repressor of CONSTANS in Arabidopsis, Imaizumi, T., Schultz T. F., Harmon F. G., Ho L. A., and Kay S. A. , Science, 2005, Volume 309, Issue 5732, p.293-7, (2005)
Attitudes of rural landowners toward wolves in northwestern Minnesota, Chavez, AS, Gese EM, and Krannich RS , 2005, Volume 33, Issue 2, p. - 527, (2005)
Long-term effects of Lupinus lepidus on vegetation dynamics at Mount St. Helens, del Moral, R., and Rozzell L. R. , 2005, Volume 181, Issue 2, p. - -215, (2005)
High and dry: variation in net photosynthesis of the intertidal seaweed, Fucus gardneri. , Williams, S. L., and Dethier M. N. , Ecology, Volume 86, (2005)
Evolution of heterochromatic genes of Drosophila., Yasuhara, Jiro C., DeCrease Christine H., and Wakimoto Barbara T. , 2005, Volume 102, Issue 31, p. - -10963, (2005)
Global analysis of factors affecting the outcome of freshwater fish introductions, Ruesink, J. L. , Conservation Biology, 2005, Volume 19, Issue 6, p.1883-1893, (2005)
Seasonal-like plasticity of spontaneous firing rate in a songbird pre-motor nucleus, Park, K. H., Meitzen J., Moore I. T., Brenowitz E. A., and Perkel D. J. , J Neurobiol, 2005, Volume 64, Issue 2, p.181-91, (2005)
