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Fields of interest
Hairpin-bisulfite PCR: Assessing epigenetic methylation patterns on complementary strands of individual DNA molecules, Laird, C. D., Pleasant N. D., Clark A. D., Sneeden J. L., Hassan K. M. A., Manley N. C., Vary J. C., Morgan T., Hansen R. S., and Stoger R. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2004, Volume 101, Issue 1, p.204-209, (2004)
The master sex-determination locus in threespine sticklebacks is on a nascent Y chromosome, Peichel, Catherine L., Ross Joseph A., Matson Clinton K., Dickson Mark, Grimwood Jane, Schmutz Jeremy, Myers Richard M., Mori Seiichi, Schluter Dolph, and Kingsley David M. , Current Biology, 2004 Aug 24, Volume 14, Issue 16, p.1416-24, (2004)
Particulate matter ingestion and associated nitrogen uptake by four species of scleractinian corals, Mills, M. M., Lipschultz F., and Sebens K. P. , Coral Reefs, 2004, Volume 23, Issue 3, p.311-323, (2004)
Pigment pattern evolution by differential deployment of neural crest and post-embryonic melanophore lineages in Danio fishes, Quigley, I. K., Turner J. M., Nuckels R. J., Manuel J. L., Budi E. H., Macdonald E. L., and Parichy D. M. , Development, 2004, Volume 131, p.6053-6069, (2004)
Foraging strategies by one provisioned group of brown capuchin (Cebus apella) in Tinigua National park. In Spanish, Gómez-Posada, C. , Primatology of New World: biology, medicine, management, and conservation, Bogota, p.136-146, (2003)
Dominant-negative receptor uncovers redundancy in the Arabidopsis ERECTA Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase signaling pathway that regulates organ shape, Shpak, E. D., Lakeman M. B., and Torii K. U. , Plant Cell, 2003, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.1095-110, (2003)
Temporal and cellular requirements for Fms signaling during zebrafish adult pigment pattern development, Parichy, D. M., and Turner J. M. , Development, 2003, Volume 130, Issue 5, p.817-33, (2003)
Zebrafish puma mutant decouples pigment pattern and somatic metamorphosis, Parichy, D. M., and Turner J. M. , Developmental Biology, 2003, Volume 256, Issue 2, p.242-257, (2003)
FKF1 is essential for photoperiodic-specific light signalling in Arabidopsis, Imaizumi, T., Tran H. G., Swartz T. E., Briggs W. R., and Kay S. A. , Nature, 2003, Volume 426, Issue 6964, p.302-6, (2003)
Contributions of coastal and watershed energy sources to secondary production in a Northeastern Pacific estuary, Ruesink, J. L., Roegner G. C., Dumbauld B. R., Newton J. A., and Armstrong D. A. , Estuaries, 2003, Volume 26, Issue 4B, p.1079-1093, (2003)
Components of reproductive isolation between the monkeyflowers Mimulus lewisii and M-cardinalis (Phrymaceae), Ramsey, J., Bradshaw, Jr. H. D., and Schemske DW , 2003, Volume 57, Issue 7, p. - 1534, (2003)
Essential role for puma in development of postembryonic neural crest-derived cell lineages in zebrafish, Parichy, D. M., Turner J. M., and Parker N. B. , Dev Biol, 2003, Volume 256, Issue 2, p.221-41, (2003)
Colonization and connectivity of habitat patches for coastal marine species distant from source populations. , Dethier, M. N., McDonald K., and Strathmann R. R. , Conservation Biology , Volume 17, (2003)
A Role for Isothiocyanates in Plant Resistance Against the Specialist Herbivore Pieris rapae, Agarwal, Anurag , Journal of Chemical Ecology, 07/2003, Volume 29(6):1403-15, (2003)
Allele substitution at a flower colour locus produces a pollinator shift in monkeyflowers, Bradshaw, Jr., H. D., and Schemske DW , 2003, Volume 426, Issue 6963, p. - 178, (2003)
Complex patterns of gene duplication in the APETALA3 and PISTILLATA lineages of the Ranunculaceae, Kramer, E. M., Di Stilio Veronica*, and Schluter P. , International Journal of Plant Sciences, 2003, Volume 164, Issue 1, p.1-11, (2003)
The necessity for intertidal foraging by estuarine populations of subadult Dungeness crab, Cancer magister: Evidence from a bioenergetics model, Holsman, K. K., Armstrong D. A., Beauchamp D. A., and Ruesink J. L. , Estuaries, 2003, Volume 26, Issue 4B, p.1155-1173, (2003)
Activity and Distribution of Paxillin, Focal Adhesion Kinase, and Cadherin Indicate Cooperative Roles during Zebrafish Morphogenesis, Crawford, Bryan D., Henry Clarissa A., Clason Todd A., Becker Amanda L., and Hille Merrill B. , Molecular Biology of the Cell, Jan-08-2003, Volume 14, Issue 8, p.3065 - 3081, (2003)
Behavioral drive versus behavioral inertia: a null model approach, Huey, R. B., Hertz P. E., and Sinervo B. , American Naturalist, 2003, Volume 161, p.357-366, (2003)
Impacts of trampling on a rocky shoreline of San Juan Island, Washington, USA, Jenkins, C., Haas M. E., Olson A., and Ruesink J. L. , Natural Areas Journal, 2002, Volume 22, Issue 4, p.260-269, (2002)
