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Fields of interest
Contrasting hybridization rates between sympatric three-spined sticklebacks highlight the fragility of reproductive barriers between evolutionarily young species, Gow, Jennifer L., Peichel Catherine L., and Taylor Eric B. , Molecular Ecology, 2006 Mar, Volume 15, Issue 3, p.739-52, (2006)
Seasonal variation in mussel byssal thread mechanics, Moeser, G. M., and Carrington E. , Journal of Experimental Biology, 2006, Volume 209, Issue 10, p.1996-2003, (2006)
Noradrenergic modulation of activity in a vocal control nucleus in vitro, Solis, M. M., and Perkel D. J. , J Neurophysiol, 2006, Volume 95, Issue 4, p.2265-76, (2006)
The tumour suppressor Hippo acts with the NDR kinases in dendritic tiling and maintenance., Emoto, Kazuo, Parrish Jay Z., Jan Lily Yeh, and Jan Yuh-Nung , Nature, 2006 Sep 14, Volume 443, Issue 7108, p.210-3, (2006)
Different plant hormones regulate similar processes through largely nonoverlapping transcriptional responses, Nemhauser, J. L., Hong F., and Chory J. , Cell, 2006, Volume 126, Issue 3, p.467-75, (2006)
Oxymoron no more: the expanding world of heterochromatic genes., Yasuhara, Jiro C., and Wakimoto Barbara T. , 2006, Volume 22, Issue 6, p. - -338, (2006)
Heat shock protein 60 modified with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine is involved in pancreatic beta-cell death under hyperglycemic conditions., Kim, Hoe Suk, Kim Eun Mi, Lee Jiae, Yang Won Ho, Park Tae Yoon, Kim Young Min, and Cho Jin Won , FEBS letters, 2006 Apr 17, Volume 580, Issue 9, p.2311-6, (2006)
Landscape use and movements of wolves in relation to livestock in a wildland-agriculture matrix, Chavez, Andreas S., and Giese Eric M. , 2006, Volume 70, Issue 4, p. - 1086, (2006)
The evolution of hypsodonty in equids: testing a hypothesis of adaptation, Strömberg, C. A. E. , Paleobiology, 2006, Volume 32, Issue 2, p.236-258, (2006)
Community modification by a grass invader has differing impacts for marine habitats., Hacker, S. D., and Dethier M. N. , Oikos, Volume 113, (2006)
The hydrodynamic effects of shape and size change during change during reconfiguration of a flexible macroalga, Boller, M. L., and Carrington E. , Journal of Experimental Biology, 2006, Volume 209, Issue 10, p.1894-1903, (2006)
Photoperiodic control of flowering: not only by coincidence, Imaizumi, T., and Kay S. A. , Trends Plant Sci, 2006, Volume 11, Issue 11, p.550-8, (2006)
Relationships between Hepatitis C Virus Replication and CXCL-8 Production In Vitro, Koo, B. C. A., McPoland P., Wagoner J. P., Kane O. J., Lohmann V., and Polyak S. J. , Journal of Virology, Volume 80, Issue 16, (2006)
Population viability, ecological processes and biodiversity: Valuing sites for reserve selection, Salomon, A. K., Ruesink J. L., and DeWreede R. E. , Biological Conservation, 2006, Volume 128, Issue 1, p.79-92, (2006)
Coordination of microtubule and microfilament dynamics by Drosophila Rho1, Spire and Cappuccino, Rosales-Nieves, A. E., Johndrow J. E., Keller L. C., Magie C. R., Pinto-Santini D. M., and Parkhurst S. M. , Nat Cell Biol, 2006, Volume 8, Issue 4, p.367-76, (2006)
Sperm plasma membrane breakdown during Drosophila fertilization requires sneaky, an acrosomal membrane protein., Wilson, Kathleen L., Fitch Karen R., Bafus Blaine T., and Wakimoto Barbara T. , 2006, Volume 133, Issue 24, p. - -4879, (2006)
Invertebrate community responses to recreational clam digging., J.Griffiths, Dethier M. N., Newsom A., Byers J., Meyer J., Oyarzun F., and Lenihan H. , Marine Biology, Volume 149, (2006)
Modeling the increase and control of Caulerpa taxifolia, an invasive marine macroalga, Ruesink, J. L., and Collado-Vides L. , Biological Invasions, 2006, Volume 8, Issue 2, p.309-325, (2006)
Habitat associations of estuarine species: Comparisons of intertidal mudflat, seagrass (Zostera marina), and oyster (Crassostrea gigas) habitats, Hosack, G. R., Dumbauld B. R., Ruesink J. L., and Armstrong D. A. , Estuaries and Coasts, 2006, Volume 29, Issue 6B, p.1150-1160, (2006)
