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Fields of interest
Evidence for a plastic dual circadian rhythm in the oyster Crassostrea gigas., Mat, Audrey M., Massabuau Jean-Charles, Ciret Pierre, and Tran Damien , Chronobiology international, 2012 Aug, Volume 29, Issue 7, p.857-67, (2012)
About Me, , (2012)
Sound Indicators: A Review for the Puget Sound Partnership., Orians, G. H., Dethier M., Hirshman C., Kohn A., Patten D., and Young T. , Olympia, p.102 pp., (2012)
Mesoderm and Muscle Specific Genes in Pleurobrachia bachei, , Biology, 06/2012, Seattle, WA, (2012)
DivineMesh, , (2012)
Climatic Consequences of Afforestation, Fung, I., and Swann A. , AIP Conf. Proc, Volume 1401, p.211–219, (2011)
Use of space, activity patterns, and foraging behavior of red howler monkeys in an Andean forest fragment in Colombia, Palma, AC, Velez A., Gomez-Posada C., Lopez H., Zarate D., and Stevenson P. , American Journal of Primatology, Volume 73, (2011)
All you can eat: High performance capacity and plasticity in the common big-eared bat, Micronycteris microtis (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), Santana, S. E., Geipel I., Dumont E. R., Kalka M. B., and Kalko E. K. V. , PLoS ONE, 12/2011, Volume 6, Issue 12, p.e28584, (2011)
A novel role for {gamma}-secretase: selective regulation of spontaneous neurotransmitter release from hippocampal neurons., Pratt, Kara G., Zhu Ping, Watari Hirofumi, Cook David G., and Sullivan Jane M. , The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2011 Jan 19, Volume 31, Issue 3, p.899-906, (2011)
Phylogenetic diversity as a window into the evolutionary and biogeographic histories of present-day richness gradients for mammals., Davies, Jonathan T., and Buckley Lauren B. , Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 2011 Aug 27, Volume 366, Issue 1576, p.2414-25, (2011)
Functional Conservation of Clock Output Signaling between Flies and Intertidal Crabs, Beckwith, E. J., Lelito K. R., Hsu Y. - W. A., Medina B. M., Shafer O., Ceriani M. F., and de la Iglesia H. O. , Journal of Biological Rhythms, 12/2011, Volume 26, Issue 6, p.518 - 529, (2011)
Restoring invaded Pacific Northwest prairies: Management recommendations from a region-wide experiment, Stanley, A. G., Dunwiddie P. W., and Kaye T. N. , Northwest Science, Volume 85, (2011)
Does thermoregulatory behavior maximize reproductive fitness of natural isolates of Caenorhabditis elegans?, Anderson, Jennifer L., Albergotti Lori, Ellebracht Barbara, Huey Raymond B., and Phillips Patrick C. , BMC evolutionary biology, 2011, Volume 11, p.157, (2011)
Ocean deoxygenation: Past, present, and future, Falkowski, Paul G., Algeo Thomas, Codispoti Lou, Deutsch Curtis, Emerson Steven, Hales Burke, Huey Raymond B., Jenkins William J., Kump Lee R., Levin Lisa A., et al. , Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 2011, Volume 92, Issue 46, p.409, (2011)
Color by Numbers: Nuclear Gene Phylogeny of Jaltomata (Solanaceae), Sister Genus to Solanum, Supports Three Clades Differing in Fruit Color, Miller, Ryan J., Mione Thomas, Phan Hanh-La, and Olmstead Richard G. , Systematic Botany, 02/2011, Volume 36, Issue 1, p.153-162(10), (2011)
Climate change and community disassembly: impacts of warming on tropical and temperate montane community structure., Sheldon, Kimberly S., Yang Sylvia, and Tewksbury Joshua J. , Ecology letters, 2011 Oct 7, (2011)
Drosophila twin spot clones reveal cell division dynamics in regenerating imaginal discs., Sustar, Anne, Bonvin Marianne, Schubiger Margrit, and Schubiger Gerold , Developmental biology, 2011 Aug 15, Volume 356, Issue 2, p.576-87, (2011)
Environmental conditions constrain the distribution and diversity of archaeal merA in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A., Wang, Yanping, Boyd Eric, Crane Sharron, Lu-Irving Patricia, Krabbenhoft David, King Susan, Dighton John, Geesey Gill, and Barkay Tamar , Microbial Ecology, 2011 Nov, Volume 62, Issue 4, p.739-52, (2011)
