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Fields of interest
Comprehensive analysis of the ascidian genome reveals novel insights into the molecular evolution of ion channel genes., Okamura, Yasushi, Nishino Atsuo, Murata Yoshimichi, Nakajo Koichi, Iwasaki Hirohide, Ohtsuka Yukio, Tanaka-Kunishima Motoko, Takahashi Nobuyuki, Hara Yuji, Yoshida Takashi, et al. , Physiological genomics, 2005 Aug 11, Volume 22, Issue 3, p.269-82, (2005)
Global analysis of factors affecting the outcome of freshwater fish introductions, Ruesink, J. L. , Conservation Biology, 2005, Volume 19, Issue 6, p.1883-1893, (2005)
Bang for buck: cost-effective control of invasive species with different life histories, Buhle, E. R., Margolis M., and Ruesink J. L. , Ecological Economics, 2005, Volume 52, Issue 3, p.355-366, (2005)
Electrophysiological properties of neurons in the basal ganglia of the domestic chick: conservation and divergence in the evolution of the avian basal ganglia, Farries, M. A., Meitzen J., and Perkel D. J. , J Neurophysiol, 2005, Volume 94, Issue 1, p.454-67, (2005)
Rhythmic activity in a forebrain vocal control nucleus in vitro, Solis, M. M., and Perkel D. J. , J Neurosci, 2005, Volume 25, Issue 11, p.2811-22, (2005)
Vegetation patterns 25 years after the eruption of Mount St. Helens Washington, USA, del Moral, R., and Lacher I. L. , 2005, Volume 92, Issue 12, p. - -1956, (2005)
Physical factors vs. biotic resistance in controlling the invasion of an estuarine marsh grass. , Dethier, M. N., and Hacker S. D. , Ecological Applications, Volume 15, (2005)
Rho1 regulates signaling events required for proper Drosophila embryonic development, Magie, C. R., and Parkhurst S. M. , Dev Biol, 2005, Volume 278, Issue 1, p.144-54, (2005)
Defective skeletogenesis with kidney stone formation in dwarf zebrafish mutant for trpm7, Elizondo, M. R., Arduini B. L., Paulsen J., Macdonald E. L., Sabel J. L., Henion P. D., Cornell R. A., and Parichy D. M. , Curr Biol, 2005, Volume 15, Issue 7, p.667-71, (2005)
Reinventing the wheel in ecology research? Response, Raffaelli, D., Cardinale B. J., Downing A. L., Engelhardt K. A. M., Ruesink J. L., Solan M., and Srivastava D. S. , Science, 2005, Volume 307, Issue 5717, p.1875-1876, (2005)
A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency, Sustar, A., and Schubiger G. , Cell, 2005, Volume 120, Issue 3, p.383-93 %8 Feb %! A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency. %@ 0092-8674, (2005)
Coelacanth genome sequence reveals the evolutionary history of vertebrate genes, Noonan, J. P., Grimwood J., Danke J., Schmutz J., Dickson M., Amemiya C. T., and Myers R. M. , Genome Res, 2004/12//, Volume 14, Issue 12, p.2397 - 2405, (2004)
BRing it on: new insights into the mechanism of brassinosteroid action, Nemhauser, J. L., and Chory J. , J Exp Bot, 2004, Volume 55, Issue 395, p.265-70, (2004)
Community-wide character displacement in barnacles: a new perspective for past observations, Marchinko, K. B., Nishizaki M. T., and Burns K. C. , Ecology Letters, 2004, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.114-120, (2004)
Hairpin-bisulfite PCR: Assessing epigenetic methylation patterns on complementary strands of individual DNA molecules, Laird, C. D., Pleasant N. D., Clark A. D., Sneeden J. L., Hassan K. M. A., Manley N. C., Vary J. C., Morgan T., Hansen R. S., and Stoger R. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2004, Volume 101, Issue 1, p.204-209, (2004)
Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) expression and phosphorylation in sea urchin embryos, ı́a, ı́a Guadalupe, Toney Sarah Johnson, and Hille Merrill B. , Gene Expression Patterns, Jan-03-2004, Volume 4, Issue 2, p.223 - 234, (2004)
The master sex-determination locus in threespine sticklebacks is on a nascent Y chromosome, Peichel, Catherine L., Ross Joseph A., Matson Clinton K., Dickson Mark, Grimwood Jane, Schmutz Jeremy, Myers Richard M., Mori Seiichi, Schluter Dolph, and Kingsley David M. , Current Biology, 2004 Aug 24, Volume 14, Issue 16, p.1416-24, (2004)
Particulate matter ingestion and associated nitrogen uptake by four species of scleractinian corals, Mills, M. M., Lipschultz F., and Sebens K. P. , Coral Reefs, 2004, Volume 23, Issue 3, p.311-323, (2004)
Notes from the field: how a molecular geneticist got wet, Peichel, Catherine L. , Genesis, 2004 Nov, Volume 40, Issue 3, p.146-50, (2004)
Range fragmentation in the spectacled bear Tremarctos ornatus in the Northern Andes, Kattan, G., Hernandez O., Goldstein I., Rojas V., O.Murillo, Gomez-Posada C., Restrepo H., and Cuesta F. , Oryx, 05/2004, Volume 38, Issue 2, p.155-163, (2004)
