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Historical ecology with real numbers: past and present extent and biomass of an imperilled estuarine habitat,
, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 09/2012, Volume 279, Issue 1742, p.3400, (2012)
Cytoskeleton responses in wound repair.,
, Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS, 2012 Aug, Volume 69, Issue 15, p.2469-83, (2012)
Mega-Bites: Extreme jaw forces of living and extinct piranhas (Serrasalmidae),
, Scientific Reports, 12/2012, Volume 2, (2012)
Using detection dogs to conduct simultaneously surveys of northern spotted and barred owls,
, PLoS One, Volume 7, Issue 8, p.e42892, (2012)
Neurogenesis: premature mitotic entry lets cleavage planes take off!,
, Current biology : CB, 2012 Jan 10, Volume 22, Issue 1, p.R25-8, (2012)
The genomic basis of adaptive evolution in threespine sticklebacks.,
, Nature, 2012 Apr 5, Volume 484, Issue 7392, p.55-61, (2012)
Decoupling of recruitment from adult clam assemblages along an estuarine shoreline,
, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 7/2012, Volume 422-423, p.48 - 54, (2012)
Predicting organismal vulnerability to climate warming: roles of behaviour, physiology and adaptation.,
, Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 2012 Jun 19, Volume 367, Issue 1596, p.1665-79, (2012)
Ptychoderid hemichordate neurulation without a notochord.,
, Integr Comp Biol. 52(6): 829-34, (2012)
To kill or not to kill-that is the question,
, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, Volume 67, (2012)
Kif18A and chromokinesins confine centromere movements via microtubule growth suppression and spatial control of kinetochore tension.,
, Developmental cell, 2012 May 15, Volume 22, Issue 5, p.1017-29, (2012)
Direct interaction of ligand-receptor pairs specifying stomatal patterning.,
, Genes & development, 2012 Jan 12, (2012)
David Benowitz,
, (2012)
Regulation of inflorescence architecture by intertissue layer ligand-receptor communication between endodermis and phloem.,
, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012 Apr 17, Volume 109, Issue 16, p.6337-42, (2012)
Rethinking Community Assembly through the Lens of Coexistence Theory,
, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, Jan-12-2012, Volume 43, Issue 1, p.227 - 248, (2012)
A synthetic approach reveals extensive tunability of auxin signaling.,
, Plant physiology, 2012 Sep, Volume 160, Issue 1, p.135-42, (2012)
Autistic behavior in Scn1a+/- mice and rescue by enhanced GABAergic transmission,
, Nature, 2012, Volume 489:385-390, (2012)
NaV1.1 channels are critical for intercellular communication in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and for normal circadian rhythms,
, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 02/2012, Volume 109, Issue 6, p.E368 - E377, (2012)
FKF1 conveys timing information for CONSTANS stabilization in photoperiodic flowering.,
, Science (New York, N.Y.), 2012 May 25, Volume 336, Issue 6084, p.1045-9, (2012)
Phylogenetic insights into the correlates of dioecy in meadow-rues (Thalictrum, Ranunculaceae).,
, Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 2012 Apr, Volume 63, Issue 1, p.180-92, (2012)