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Fields of interest
Neuronal organization of the hemiellipsoid body of the land hermit crab, Coenobita clypeatus: Correspondence with the mushroom body ground pattern, Wolff, Gabriella, Harzsch Steffen, Hansson Bill S., Brown Sheena, and Strausfeld Nicholas , The Journal of Comparative Neurology, Jan-09-2012, Volume 520, Issue 13, p.2824 - 2846, (2012)
About Me, , (2012)
Sound Indicators: A Review for the Puget Sound Partnership., Orians, G. H., Dethier M., Hirshman C., Kohn A., Patten D., and Young T. , Olympia, p.102 pp., (2012)
Mesoderm and Muscle Specific Genes in Pleurobrachia bachei, , Biology, 06/2012, Seattle, WA, (2012)
DivineMesh, , (2012)
Climatic Consequences of Afforestation, Fung, I., and Swann A. , AIP Conf. Proc, Volume 1401, p.211–219, (2011)
Estimating 3D movements from 2D observations using a continuous model of helical swimming., Gurarie, Eliezer, Grünbaum Daniel, and Nishizaki Michael T. , Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2011 Jun, Volume 73, Issue 6, p.1358-77, (2011)
PP2A phosphatases: the "on-off" regulatory switches of brassinosteroid signaling., Di Rubbo, Simone, Irani Niloufer G., and Russinova Eugenia , Science signaling, 2011, Volume 4, Issue 172, p.pe25, (2011)
The genetic basis of divergent pigment patterns in juvenile threespine sticklebacks, Greenwood, A. K., Jones F. C., Chan Y. F., Brady S. D., Absher D. M., Grimwood J., Schmutz J., Myers R. M., Kingsley D. M., and Peichel C. L. , Heredity, Volume 107, Issue 2, p.155-66, (2011)
The visual control of landing in the fruit fly, Drosophila, van Breugel, F., and Dickinson M. H. , Journal of Experimental Biology, 2011, Volume 215, p.1783-1798, (2011)
Increased Structure and Active Learning Reduce the Achievement Gap in Introductory Biology, Haak, D. C., HilleRisLambers J., Pitre E., and Freeman S. , Science, 03/2011, Volume 332, Issue 6034, p.1213 - 1216, (2011)
Complex life cycles and the responses of insects to climate change., Kingsolver, Joel G., Woods Arthur H., Buckley Lauren B., Potter Kristen A., MacLean Heidi J., and Higgins Jessica K. , Integrative and comparative biology, 2011 Nov, Volume 51, Issue 5, p.719-32, (2011)
Environmental history of a Garry oak/Douglas-fir woodland on Waldron Island, Washington, Dunwiddie, P. W., Bakker J. D., Almaguer-Bay M., and Sprenger C. , Northwest Science, Volume 85, (2011)
Do species' traits predict recent shifts at expanding range edges?, Angert, Amy L., Crozier Lisa G., Rissler Leslie J., Gilman Sarah E., Tewksbury Josh J., and Chunco Amanda J. , Ecology letters, 2011 Jul, Volume 14, Issue 7, p.677-89, (2011)
Cell wound repair in Drosophila occurs through three distinct phases of membrane and cytoskeletal remodeling., Abreu-Blanco, Maria Teresa, Verboon Jeffrey M., and Parkhurst Susan M. , The Journal of cell biology, 2011 May 2, Volume 193, Issue 3, p.455-64, (2011)
Cell division orientation in animals., Gillies, Taryn E., and Cabernard Clemens , Current biology : CB, 2011 Aug 9, Volume 21, Issue 15, p.R599-609, (2011)
